均衡效果器插件 Sound Radix SurferEQ v2.1.1 [WiN]
版本 | v2.1.1
Win 10-11 | AAX | VST | VST3 | 6MB
SURFEREQ 是一款开创性的音高跟踪均衡器插件,可跟踪单音乐器或人声,并随音乐移动所选频段。
SURFEREQ 可追踪单音乐器或声源的音高,并能根据音乐实时调整其频段频率,从而保持音源的自然谐波平衡,并能根据演奏的音符塑造音源的音色。
SURFEREQ is a ground-breaking pitch-tracking equalizer plug-in that tracks a monophonic instrument or vocal and moves the selected bands with the music.
Synthesizer filters can track the pitch to maintain the timbre of the sound throughout the instrument’s voices. However, sound equalizers have always been static. While being effective for broad tone-shaping and room resonance correction, standard EQs do a poor job at maintaining the vocal or instrument’s timbre as the music changes.
SURFEREQ tracks the pitch of a monophonic instrument or a vocal source and can adapt its bands’ frequencies relative to the music in real-time, maintaining the natural harmonic balance of the sound source and making it possible to shape the source’s timbre relative to the notes being played.
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