尼龙吉他采样包 New Beard Media Acoustic Rhythm Guitars Vol 1 WAV 音色
WAV | 95MB
内容简介 这是一组流畅、动感十足的原声吉他旋律,节拍在 85 到 100 BPM 之间,以钢弦和尼龙弦吉他为特色,非常适合休闲、爵士和流行乐,还能为您的曲目增添一点有机质感。
New Beard Media Acoustic Rhythm Guitars Vol.1 WAV
Description: A collection of smooth and groovy acoustic guitar riffs ranging from 85 to 100 BPM, and featuring steel and nylon string guitars, perfect for chill out, jazz, pop and for adding a little organic texture to your tracks.
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