科技舞曲预设音色 Polarity Studio Aeroblast [Melodic Techno Diva Presets] 预设音色
MiDi | Diva Presets | 190MB
内容简介 Aeroblast 由 50 个旋律循环、50 个 MIDI 文件和 50 个预置组成,适用于 U-he Diva。它的灵感来自 2022 年旋律型 Techno 音乐界最著名的乐队,如 ARTBAT、&ME、Innellea、Tale Of Us、Camelphat 等等。
来自 Polarity Studio 的 Aeroblast 是每位 Techno 制作人的必备之选!
本软件包还适用于其他类型的音乐: Deep House、Downtempo、Progressive House、Tech House、Techno
需要 u-he Diva v1.4.4.9701
– 50 个旋律循环
– 50 个 MIDI 文件
– 50 个用于 U-he Diva 的预设
– 共 150 个文件
– 210.4 MB
Polarity Studio Aeroblast [Melodic Techno Diva Presets]
Description: Aeroblast is made up of 50 Melodic Loops, 50 MIDI files & 50 presets for U-he Diva. Inspired by the biggest names of 2022’s melodic Techno Music like ARTBAT, &ME, Innellea, Tale Of Us, Camelphat and many more
Aeroblast from Polarity Studio is a must-have for every Techno Producer out there!
Other genres that this package may be useful in: Deep House, Downtempo, Progressive House,Tech House, Techno
Software Requirements:
Requires u-he Diva v1.4.4.9701
Product Details:
– 50 Melodic Loops
– 50 MIDI files
– 50 presets for U-he Diva
– 150 Total Files
– 210.4 MB
Aeroblast from Polarity Studio is a must-have for every Techno Producer out there!
Other genres that this package may be useful in: Deep House, Downtempo, Progressive House,Tech House, Techno
Software Requirements:
Requires u-he Diva v1.4.4.9701
Product Details:
– 50 Melodic Loops
– 50 MIDI files
– 50 presets for U-he Diva
– 150 Total Files
– 210.4 MB

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