Dark Trap采样包 HOUSE OF WAVES Music Library Whirlpool Compositions WAV 音色
WAV | 101MB
“Whirlpool “是一款黑暗而富有情调的采样包,它将让你沉浸在迷人的声音漩涡中。10 首令人魂牵梦萦的乐曲将您带入一个音质深邃的漩涡深渊。神秘的旋律、忧郁的气氛和强烈的质感,”漩涡 “将把你带入催眠般的黑暗之中。
漩涡》中的每首歌都经过精心制作,唤起人们的神秘感、自省感和强烈的情感。当您在错综复杂的黑暗层中穿梭时,请探索音效的复杂性。让 “Whirlpool “的黑暗和情绪为您的创作之旅加油助力,利用它的力量创作出令人着迷、充满情感的作品。无论您是一位经验丰富的制作人,还是一位渴望表达深刻情感的艺术家,”Whirlpool “都将把您带入一个迷人的声音世界。
HOUSE OF WAVES Music Library 是由 Brian ôDeepö Watters 制作和策划的多样化样本库。秉承 “一心一意 “的理念,每个作品的创作都是为了获得主要的发行机会。House of WavesÆ 曾荣获格莱美奖,其音乐已被柯达-布莱克(Kodak Black)、马拉奇伊(Malachiii)、阿里-伦诺克斯(Ari Lennox)、麦克-德雷(Mac Dre)、Kingsway Music Library 等艺术家采用。
所有样本与任何 DAW 软件(Ableton、FL Studio、Logic Pro、Pro Tools 等)兼容。
HOUSE OF WAVES Music Library Whirlpool Compositions WAV
Description: Introducing “Whirlpool” – a dark and moody sample pack that will immerse you in its captivating vortex of sound. Brace yourself for a collection of 10 haunting compositions that plunge you into a swirling abyss of sonic depth. With its enigmatic melodies, brooding atmospheres, and intense textures, “Whirlpool” will draw you into its hypnotic darkness.
Each track within “Whirlpool” has been meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of mystery, introspection, and emotional intensity. Explore the depths of sonic complexity as you navigate through its intricate layers of darkness. Let the darkness and moodiness of “Whirlpool” fuel your creative journey, as you harness its power to create mesmerizing and emotionally-charged compositions. Whether you’re a seasoned producer seeking to delve into new sonic territories or an artist craving to express profound emotions, “Whirlpool” will pull you into a world of captivating sound.
HOUSE OF WAVES Music Library is a diverse sample library created and curated by Brian ôDeepö Watters. With its ôsingle-mindedö philosophy, each composition is created for the sole purpose of securing major placements. Featuring releases from established producers as well as up and coming musicians, House of WavesÆ Grammy Award winning roster has placed music with artists such as Kodak Black, Malachiii, Ari Lennox, Mac Dre, Kingsway Music Library and more.
All samples are Master Clearance Guaranteed! See our terms here
All samples are labeled with tempo and key
All samples are compatible with any DAW software (Ableton, FL Studio, Logic Pro, Pro Tools, etc.)
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