教会福音采样包 Sound Doctrine Confession WAV 音色
WAV | 442MB
简介 Sound Doctrine 推出 “Confession “样本包,提供复古福音灵魂乐。该样本包包含 15 个旋律优美的人声循环,由一支乐队伴奏,听起来就像唱片店 70 年代福音区的老黑胶唱片。您可以使用吉他、贝司、风琴、键盘和鼓循环,以及充满个性和魅力的有趣人声音色。我们确信,这些样本对任何个人音效库来说都是锦上添花。
-124 个单曲
-183 个循环
Sound Doctrine Confession WAV
Description: Sound Doctrine presents “Confession,” a sample pack release offering vintage gospel soul. This pack has 15 melodic loops of vocalists accompanied by a band that sounds like old vinyl recordings from a deep dive in a record shop’s 70’s gospel section. You’ll have access to guitar, bass, organ, keys, and drum loops with interesting vocal tones full of character and grit. We are certain these samples are a great addition to any personal sound library.
•124 one shots
•183 loops
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