好莱坞电影配乐音效 Hollywood Studio Sound Effects Sfx Sampling Showcase MP3

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MP3 | 235MB

描述 艺术家 好莱坞工作室音效
标题 : Sfx 采样展示
格式: 数字 [MP3 数字 [MP3]
标签: Hollywood Studio Sfx, Inc: 好莱坞工作室音效公司
总长度: 01:19:21
音乐类型: Sound FX Effects & Samples 电影特效 Special Sfx Sampling Showcase
曲目列表 :
01 Intro Demo Samples [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 2:03
02 Funk Elements (Part I) [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:34
03 Funky Elements (Part Ii) [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:36
04 来自地狱的声循环 (第一部分) [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:55
05 地狱鼓 (第一部分) [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:04

06 疯狂的鼓声循环(第一部分) [好莱坞录音棚音效] 2:20
07 现场循环鼓 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 0:39
08 程序化环路 [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:47
09 康加鼓和打击乐音轨 [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:04
10 生命的节奏 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 1:59
11 Alphadance [好莱坞录音棚音效] 0:28
12 Grove Construction [好莱坞录音棚音效] 1:18
13 Ethnic Loops [好莱坞录音棚音效] 0:39
14 发条 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 1:15
15 TECHNO & Trance [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:00
16 吉他萨克斯、长笛和人声 Riffs [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:59
17 芬克吉他乐段 1 至 20 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 1:35
18 芬克吉他乐段 21 至 40 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 1:50
19 Fender Dirty Samples [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:40
20 芬克贝斯乐段 1 到 22 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 1:36
21 Killer Brass Licks [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:01
22 铜管乐超级乐段 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 0:34

23 Hammond Series [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:23
24 Ambient Volume#1 [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:45
25 环境音量 #2 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 2:24
26 模拟到数字(第一卷) [好莱坞录音棚音效] 1:45
27 模拟到数字(音量#2) [好莱坞工作室音效] 2:33
28 古典合唱团 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 2:06
29 Halluljah [好莱坞录音棚音效] 1:24
30 奇异星球 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 1:41
31 科幻小说 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 0:57
32 地球特效 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 3:36
33 动物特效 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 3:04
34 城市与交通特效 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 4:44
35 汽车特效 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 2:20
36 家庭特效 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 3:41
37 办公室和学校特效 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 3:10
38 体育特效 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 3:15
39 战斗特效 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 1:53

40 其他音效 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 1:50
41 Bangra Beats [好莱坞录音棚音效] 0:54
42 人类节拍器 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 0:22
43 嘴巴特效 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 0:21
44 现场康加鼓声 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 0:22
45 Cr78 Drums [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:21
46 钟磬打击乐 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 1:17
47 环境系列 [好莱坞录音棚音效] 0:45
48 Analog Percussion & Noise [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:46
49 Fx Drums [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:21
50 打击乐和 Fx [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:34
51 音乐元素 [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:31
52 Stabs [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:28
53 Jb Funk 风格人声 [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:32
54 参考音调 1 Khz 音色 [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:20

Hollywood Studio Sound Effects Sfx Sampling Showcase MP3
Description: Artist: Hollywood Studio Sound Effects
Title : Sfx Sampling Showcase
Format: Digital [MP3]
Label: Hollywood Studio Sfx, Inc.
Total Length: 01:19:21
Genres: Sounds FX Effects & Samples Movie Effect Special Sfx Sampling Showcase
Tracklist :
01 Intro Demo Samples [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 2:03
02 Funk Elements (Part I) [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:34
03 Funky Elements (Part Ii) [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:36
04 Drum Loops From Hell (Part I) [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:55
05 Drum Loops From Hell (Part Ii) [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:04

06 Crazy Drum Loops (Part I) [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 2:20
07 Live Drum Loops [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:39
08 Programmed Loops [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:47
09 Conga & Percussion Loops [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:04
10 Rhythm of Life [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:59
11 Alphadance [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:28
12 Grove Construction [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:18
13 Ethnic Loops [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:39
14 Clockwork [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:15
15 Techno & Trance [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:00
16 Guitar, Sax, Flute, and Vocal Riffs [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:59
17 Funk Guitar Riffs 1 to 20 [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:35
18 Funk Guitar Riffs 21 to 40 [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:50
19 Fender Dirty Samples [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:40
20 Funk Bass Riffs 1 to 22 [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:36
21 Killer Brass Licks [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:01
22 Brass Super Section [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:34
23 Hammond Series [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:23
24 Ambient Volume#1 [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:45
25 Ambient Volume#2 [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 2:24

26 Analog to Digital (Volume#1) [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:45
27 Analog to Digital (Volume#2) [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 2:33
28 Classical Choirs [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 2:06
29 Halluljah [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:24
30 Strange Planet [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:41
31 Science Fiction [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:57
32 Earth Fx [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 3:36
33 Animal Fx [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 3:04
34 City & Traffic Fx [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 4:44
35 Car Fx [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 2:20
36 Home Fx [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 3:41
37 Office & School Fx [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 3:10
38 Sports Fx [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 3:15
39 Battle Fx [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:53
40 Other Fx [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:50

41 Bangra Beats [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:54
42 Human Beat Box [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:22
43 Mouth Fx [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:21
44 Live Congas [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:22
45 Cr78 Drums [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:21
46 Chime Percussion [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 1:17
47 Ambient Series [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:45
48 Analog Percussion & Noise [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:46
49 Fx Drums [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:21
50 Percussive Hits & Fx [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:34
51 Mo Funky Elements [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:31
52 Stabs [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:28
53 Jb Funk Style Vocals [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:32
54 Reference Tone 1 Khz Tone [Hollywood Studio Sound Effects] 0:20




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