电音人生采样包 Looptone Soulside House Vocals WAV 音色

作者 : admin 本文共3227个字,预计阅读时间需要9分钟 发布时间: 2023-09-2 共402人阅读

WAV | 1.08GB

说明 是时候用 Soulside House Vocals 为您的 House 音乐作品注入灵魂般的温暖了!Looptone 为您带来其精美样本包系列的最新成员–Soulside House Vocals。这个样本包非常适合那些正在寻找深情款款的人声来为自己的曲目注入感情的 House 音乐制作人。
Soulside House Vocals 包含一系列精心制作的深情女声循环,其灵感来自于一些最具代表性和深情的女歌手。每个循环都是通过 API 512 前置放大器录制的,巧妙地提高了输入增益,增加了悦耳的谐波失真。其结果是一种独特而温暖的声音,一定能为您的作品增添深度和特色。音色包中包含干湿两种版本的人声。
除人声外,该音源包还包含一套使用功能强大的 ASM Hydra 合成器制作的低音和合成器循环。包含的循环及其伴奏和混合打击乐为您的创作奠定了坚实的基础。本音源集的节奏范围为 100-125 BPM,非常适合演奏 house 及其次流派(如 deep house),同时还能融入 downtempo 和其他流派。
详细内容包括 1.61GB 的 24Bit 44.1KHZ WAV – 101 个湿人声循环、100 个干人声循环、13 个鼓循环、12 个顶级鼓循环、8 个低音循环、8 个打击乐循环和 7 个乐器循环。
登录后可下载免费试听包,并查看演示以了解更多信息!该音源集已在 Loopcloud 上安装完毕。有关 Loopmasters 获奖软件的更多信息,请点击:loopcloud.com。

述乐器的声音和/或采样中使用的乐器。Loopmasters 与这些品牌没有任何关联(也不声称与这些品牌有任何关联),也没有得到这些品牌的认可。这些品牌的任何商誉均归品牌所有者所有。Loopmasters 或其供应商不对样本内容或描述的准确性承担任何责任。”RHODES” 是 Joseph A Brandstetter 的注册商标。
– 1.61 GB
– 24 位 44.1KHZ
– 101 个湿式人声环路
– 100 个干式人声环路

Looptone Soulside House Vocals WAV
Description: It’s time to bring soulful warmth to your house music productions with Soulside House Vocals! Looptone brings to you the latest addition to their collection of exquisite sample packs- Soulside House Vocals. This collection is perfect for house music producers who are looking for soulful and emotive vocals to infuse their tracks with.
Soulside House Vocals features a range of carefully crafted soul-dripped female vocal loops, which have been inspired by some of the most iconic and soulful vocalists of all time. Each loop has been recorded through an API 512 preamp, skillfully pushing the input gain to add pleasing harmonic distortion. The result is a unique and warm sound that is sure to add depth and character to your productions. Both dry and wet versions of the vocals are included within the pack.
In addition to the vocals, the pack also contains a bonus set of bass and synth loops made on the powerful ASM Hydra synth. The included drum loops, along with their accompanying tops and mixed percussion, provide a solid foundation for your creations. With tempos ranging from 100-125 BPM, this collection is perfect for house and its subgenres such as deep house, while also crossing over into downtempo and other genres.
In detail expect to find 1.61GB of 24Bit 44.1KHZ WAVs – 101 Wet Vocal Loops, 100 Dry Vocal Loops, 13 Drum Loops, 12 Top Drum Loops, 8 Bass Loops, 8 Percussion Loops and 7 Instrument Loops.
Log in to download a free taster pack and check out the demos to hear more! This collection is also fully Loopcloud ready. More information can be found about Loopmasters award winning software here: loopcloud.com
Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. “RHODES” is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.
Product Details:
– 1.61 GB

– 24Bit 44.1KHZ
– 101 Wet Vocal Loops
– 100 Dry Vocal Loops
– 13 Drum Loops
– 12 Top Drum Loops
– 8 Bass Loops
– 8 Percussion Loops
– 7 Instrument Loops




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