808鼓组采样包 Bunker 8 Digital Labs Bunker 808 Drum Pack 010 WAV 音色
WAV | 383MB
简介 这是 Bunker 8 备受赞誉的致敬系列 Bunker 808 Drum Pack 010 的第十集。这里有超过 500 个循环,是鼓机全部输出的完整混音,还有无数新的模式和凹槽。还有大量的 DRY GROOVES 供您在上面叠加效果。但最重要的是,这里有大量带有自定义滤波器的循环、节拍编辑、闪烁、怪异效果和低保真效果。这是迄今为止该系列中数量最多的一款,它将提供只有 808 原始录音才能提供的独特灵感和音效!
Bunker 8 Digital Labs Bunker 808 Drum Pack 010 WAV
Description: This is the tenth in Bunker 8’s acclaimed tribute series, Bunker 808 Drum Pack 010. There are over 500 loops here, complete mixes of the entire output of the drum machine, countless new patterns, and grooves. There are plenty of DRY grooves provided for you to layer your effects over the top of. But, most importantly, there is a severe number of loops with custom filters, beat edits, glitches, wacked-out takes, and lo-fi goodness. This is the largest in the series to date and will provide that unique level of inspiration and sound that only an 808 recorded pristinely can provide!
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