硬件合成器音色 SMV Producer Textures for Waldorf Quantum & Iridium Presets
Waldorf Quantum & Iridium Presets | 86MB
说明 用于 Waldorf Quantum 和 Iridium 的音色库,包含 32 个预置和 2 个额外音色。
在这些不断演变的音色中包含了大量的调制。此外,还有一些与音色库风格不同的序列。压缩文件中还包含了一些预置中需要使用的采样(其中大部分是 Quantum 的出厂采样)、补丁列表和安装说明。总之,我强烈建议你观看我 Youtube 频道上的视频,听听其中的一些音色,并有一个大致的了解。
SMV Producer Textures for Waldorf Quantum & Iridium
Description: A sound bank for Waldorf Quantum and Iridium made of 32 presets+2 bonus.
A lot of modulations going on in these long evolving sounds. There are also few sequences that differ from the style of the sound bank. The zip file also contains the samples that you need to use in some presets (most of them are the factory samples of the Quantum )as well as the list of the patches and the installing instructions. Anyway I highly suggest to watch the video on my Youtube channel , to hear some of them and have an idea .
So, buy and enjoy, and please, leave a feedback!
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