血清科技舞曲预设音色 Freshly Squeezed Samples Serum Melodic Techno Essentials Volume 2
Serum Presets | 83MB
内容简介 本预置包包含 128 种 Serum 预置,真正捕捉到了由 CamelPhat、ARTBAT、Space Motion、Stylo、Miss Monique、Yotto、Solomun、Cristoph、Korolova 等世界级艺术家所倡导的前沿现代旋律 techno 音色。
当然,所有预置都经过规范化处理、根化,并在适当的地方对 mod 轮和速度进行了映射,而且所有预置都进行了很好的分类,让您可以简单直观地找到合适的音效,就像您对我们的期望一样。
Description: Containing 128 Serum Presets, this pack truly captures the cutting-edge, modern melodic techno sound as championed by world-class artists such as CamelPhat, ARTBAT, Space Motion, Stylo, Miss Monique, Yotto, Solomun, Cristoph, Korolova and many others.
Of course, all presets are normalized, rooted, and mod wheel and velocity mapped where appropriate, and all are well categorized to make finding the right sound simple and intuitive, just like youÆve come to expect from us.
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