饱和效果器插件 Pulsar Modular P44 Magnum v1.0.0 [WiN]
版本 | v1.0.0
Win 10-11 | AAX | VST3 | 133MB
P44 Magnum 是 P42 Climax 的设计者的杰作,它继承了 P42 标志性的饱和度,但采用了全新设计的电路;这就是 Oomph、Poomph 和 Sweet!
如何用一首歌来形容 P44?
P42 Climax 饱和电路。
Oomph 和 Poomph 电路,用于低频整形。
Sweet – 带有仙尘的定制高架设计!
O2 电路–谐波激励器。
超低的 CPU 税,关闭剪辑时的零采样延迟。
Pulsar Modular P44 Magnum v1.0.0 WiN
From the designer of P42 Climax comes P44 Magnum carrying the signature saturation of P42 but with new designed circuits; meet Oomph, Poomph and Sweet!
Add to all this, a clipper that will send most clippers into early retirement.
How to describe P44 in a song?
It’s like thunder, lightning
The way you love me is frightening
I better knock, knock on wood, baby.
P42 Climax saturation circuit.
Oomph & Poomph circuits for low end shaping.
Sweet- a custom high shelf design with fairy dust!
O2 circuit- harmonics exciter.
Super low cpu tax and zero sample latency is clipper is off.
macOS: AU, AAX and VST3 formats.
Windows: VST3 and AAX formats.
Linux LV2 format coming soon!

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