福音人声采样包 Sound Doctrine The Shepherds Songs WAV 音色
WAV | 307MB
简介 在美国黑人教会的传统中,许多牧师同时也是歌手和录音师。布斯塔牧师(唱片艺人,曾入围 “周日最佳 “决赛)的歌声深情而富有感染力,他在北费城的教堂里也是社区的代言人。
我们再次与 Edward ôBustaö Fields 合作,为制作人提供怀旧、复古的福音音效,让您的音乐充满灵魂,并由我们的内部团队演奏伴奏乐器。
Sound Doctrine The Shepherds Songs WAV
Description: In the tradition of the black church in America, many will find pastors who are singers and recording artists as well. We felt it would be only right to feature this authentic reality with this pack as Pastor æBustaÆ (recording artist and æSundayÆs BestÆ finalist) has a sound that is soulful and commanding while also being a voice in his community leading a church in North Philadelphia.
We teamed up again with Edward ôBustaö Fields to give producers a nostalgic, vintage gospel sound that oozes with the soulfulness you need to lift your tracks up with accompanying instruments all played by our in-house team.
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