迪斯科采样包 That Sound Dirty Disco Vol 3 WAV
WAV | 352MB
简介 That Sound 推出《Dirty Disco Vol. 马布里是格莱美获奖鼓手,也是纳什维尔的鼓手和制作人,曾多次获得冠军。这套乐曲的灵感来自 20 世纪 70 年代和 80 年代的迪斯科音乐,以紧凑有力的鼓点和各种辅助打击乐单曲和循环为特色。
为了保持原汁原味,音乐家们使用了 1980 年代的罗杰斯和雅马哈鼓组,以及 CB-700 音乐会大鼓。在录制该音色包时,现场演奏了超过 15 种不同的打击乐器。使用这些音效可为您的音轨增添凹槽或反弹效果,或将打击乐循环音效叠加到鼓上,为您的作品增添质感和感觉。
-191 个单声道
-138 个循环音效
That Sound Dirty Disco Vol 3 WAV
Description: That Sound presents Dirty Disco Vol. 3 crafted by That SoundÆs cofounder and drum extraordinaire, Paul Mabury with Javier Solis as a featured guest on percussion. Mabury is a Grammy-winning Nashville-based drummer and producer whoÆs had many number-one hits. This pack was inspired by the disco music of the 1970s and æ80s, featuring tight and punchy drums and a wide variety of complimentary percussion one-shots and loops.
To maintain authenticity, the musicians used 1980s Rodgers and Yamaha drum kits with CB-700 concert toms. Over 15 different percussion instruments were played live in the recording of this pack. Use these sounds to add groove or bounce to your track or layer the percussion loops onto the drums for added texture and feel in your productions.
-191 one shots
-138 loops
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