live工具 Gradient Max for Live device
Max for Live amxd | 1.68MB
有时,你最好的创意就在你已经有过的两个创意之间。Gradient就像Ableton Live中设备预设的颜色选择器,帮助你在现有库中的红色和蓝色之间寻找出色的紫色。换句话说,Gradient可以以一种有趣而直观的新方式,让你发现和设计你最喜爱的Live设备、乐器和VST的预设。
Gradient – Max for Live device| amxd| 1.68 MB
Sometimes your best idea is just between two you’ve already had. Gradient is like a color picker for device presets in Ableton Live, aiding in your search for magnificent purples between the reds and blues in your existing library. Put in slightly less metaphoric terms, Gradient allows you to discover and design presets for your favorite Live devices, instruments, and VSTs in a new way that’s fun and intuitive.
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