宗教冥想采样包 Black Octopus Sound Earthscapes By Amani Friend WAV 世界氛围环境音编曲Psychill音色
WAV | 2.76GB
Amani Friend的Earthscapes可以将地球的声音直接带入您的下一个音频混音中。
…… ::::::产品规格:::::: ……
•105 x现场记录-(雨/风/雷/洞/洞/丛林鸟/丛林昆虫/金字塔/河周围的气氛)
•180 x Foley命中-(锣/寺庙金属/洞钟乳石/大混响/森林脚步)
•070 x处理过的录音-(FX凹槽/ Psy FX)
•44.1kHz / 24位高质量
Black Octopus Sound Earthscapes By Amani Friend WAV
Add incredible feeling to your music, game, or films with this collection of field recordings from sacred sites and geographical locations around the world. Transport your audience with sounds captured around ancient pyramids, the jungle of Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and the United States. This versatile collection of field recordings, drums, animal sounds, foley, and FX loops was captured, mixed, and mastered by Amani of Desert Dwellers. This pack contains over 3GB of content.
Amani has travelled the world performing at iconic events and music festivals, taking expertly captured recordings along the way. From the eclipse festival 2012 in Australia, the Mayan Heart festival at the Tikal pyramid in Guatemala, to the jungles of Costa Rica and forests of North America, this sound library includes a wide variety of landscapes and ambiences. These lush recordings can easily find a home in downtempo, chill out, yoga music, game sound design, travel videos, documentaries, or feature films.
Build atmosphere with rain, wind, thunder, jungle birds, jungle insects, monkeys, owls, wolves, kookaburra, frogs, jungle insects, foley, rain, thunder, water drops, rivers, cave water splashes, and ocean waves. The hits folder can help you build beats, scores, or music for your next album. This amazing folder includes big drums, gong hits/swells, jaws harp samples, shakers, and temple metal strikes. The Processed FX folder takes all of these sounds to whole other level adding brilliant groove, ear catching texture and character, as well as spatial effects that transform the sonic quality. The result is a noticeably pleasing, attention commanding affect that cognitively engages the listener.
Earthscapes by Amani Friend can bring the sonic magni
ficence of the Earth directly into your next audio mix.
……:::::: Product Specifications ::::::……
• Format: (.WAVs)
• 105 x Field Recordings – (Rain/Wind/Thunder/Caves/Jungle Birds/Jungle Insects/Atmosphere Around Pyramids/Rivers)
• 180 x Foley Hits – (Gongs/Temple Metals/Cave Stalactite/Big Reverbs/Forest Foot Steps)
• 070 x Processed Recordings – (FX Grooves/Psy FX)
• Over 3GB Of Content
• 356 x Files In Total
• 44.1kHz/24-Bit High Quality
• Compatible With All DAWs
• PC & Mac Compatible
• 100% Royalty-Free

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