男声人声合唱团 Strezov Sampling The Performers Anonym Orthodox Choir KONTAKT
The Performers Anonym Orthodox Choir(表演者匿名东正教合唱团)这是一个基于乐句的广泛合集,包含令人惊叹和神秘的东正教圣歌,特别注重为作曲家和制作人提供最大的灵活性和可用性。在一个八度内以不同的速度和全音音阶进行录制。附带开放的.wav文件,可导入到您选择的数字音频工作站(DAW)或采样器中。
The Performers – 轻松掌握的技艺表演
Strezov Sampling的The Performers系列专注于使用传统多采样方法无法实现的技艺音乐表演,《Anonym Orthodox Choir》提供了一个广泛的著名东正教圣歌合集,使用世界级设备在索非亚会话工作室录制,并混音到三个麦克风位置(近距离、德卡和大厅)。
所有表演都被整合到一个全新的NI Kontakt引擎中,使用户可以自由地映射所有乐句和乐句的音乐部分,从而创造出超越众所周知布局的新组合。
为了确保最大的可用性和灵活性,所有表演都在不同的速度和一个八度内的全音音阶上进行了带有点击声的录制。您在使用这个合集时不受特定速度或调式的限制。此外,Performers Anonym Orthodox Choir还附带开放的.wav文件,可将所有表演导入到您选择的DAW或采样器中。
需要免费的NI Kontakt Player或NI Kontakt FULL v6.7.1+!
Strezov Sampling The Performers Anonym Orthodox Choir KONTAKT (Player Edition)- 4,02 GB
The Performers Anonym Orthodox Choir
An extensive phrase based collection of breathtaking and mystical Orthodox Chants put together with special focus on maximum flexibility and usability for composers and producers. Recorded at various tempi and on wholetone scale within one octave. Comes with open .wav files for import into the DAW or Sampler of your choice.
The Performers – Virtuosic performances at your fingertips
Strezov Sampling’s The Performers range, focuses on virtuosic musical performances not possible to create with traditional multisampling methods, “Anonym Orthodox Choir” delivers an extensive collection of famous Orthodox Chants recorded with worldclass equipement at Sofia Session Studio and mixed down to three mic positions (Close, Decca and Hall).
All performances are wrapped together in a brandnew NI Kontakt based engine allowing the user to freely map all phrases and musical parts of phrases to their liking, thus creating new combinations beyond the well known layouts.
In order to ensure maximum usability and flexibility all performances were recorded with click at various tempi and on wholetone scale within one octave. You are not limited to certain tempi or keys with this collection. In addition to that the Performers Anonym Orthodox Choir also comes with open .wav files to import all performances into the DAW or sampler of your choice.
Requires free NI Kontakt Player or NI Kontakt FULL v6.7.1+!
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