压缩效果器插件 Acustica Audio Tiger 2024 [WiN+MAC]

作者 : admin 本文共6595个字,预计阅读时间需要17分钟 发布时间: 2024-02-27 共300人阅读

版本 | 2024
Win 10-11 | AAX | VST | VST3 | 982MB
Mac10.15-13.X | AAX | AU | VST | VST3 | 1.26GB

Tiger 是 Core 19 中的第一个 Acqua 插件套件(VST/VST3/AAX/AU),基于我们的第二代 “Hyper “技术,包含 Acustica 最著名的压缩器超级集合。

最近,我们目睹了专门用于动态效果的软件的激增:最近发布的软件通常都侧重于克服模拟压缩的限制,同时保持其一贯的音乐性。在最新的产品中,侧链管理得到了改进,有了更完整的均衡器链,或增强了基于独立检测器的同步控制,以处理信号的瞬态和持续部分。我们根据自己的愿景,总结经验,努力解决这一问题:Tiger 的理念是将我们的模型和一些最新概念结合起来,为 “我们的 “用户创造最佳体验。
Tiger 不是什么?

Tiger 不是一个试图模仿特定复古物品的压缩机。我们的想法是让它像变色龙一样,尝试模仿所有的产品,克服每种产品的局限性。如果您想要仿制某件特定的产品,我们的产品目录中肯定有更适合您的特定产品。为了避免重复其他产品的功能,我们没有在信号路径中加入最终剪切器和砖墙式限幅器:这样做的结果是使其不必要地复杂化,并重复其他地方已有的功能。

Tiger 包括两种不同的图形用户界面供用户选择:

TIGER、TIGER MIX、TIGER MAST:基于三维 “Acustica 经典风格 “图形用户界面的插件。
TIGER “Flat”、TIGER MIX “Flat”、TIGER MAST “Flat “和 FIRE THE TIGER:基于二维 “现代风格 “图形用户界面的插件版本。

如果您是 “模拟爱好者”,可以使用 Acustica 的经典界面;如果您想体验前所未有的感觉,请选择 2D 现代界面(Tiger flat、Tiger Mix flat 和 Tiger Mast flat)。

以下是 Tiger 的主要功能摘要:

Tiger 包括四种不同的插件供用户选择(”Tiger flat “和 Tiger;”Tiger Mix flat “和 Tiger Mix)。
Tiger 实现了一长串压缩曲线,这些曲线是从最好的模拟压缩器和软件中精确采样的。我们发现,这在软件实现中是比较罕见的附加值(通常,这些曲线都是干净的、合成的、修改过的,并不是采样操作的实际结果)。在这方面,Tiger 复制了 Ash 的剪辑策略,但却是在压缩领域。
Tiger 采用了我们多年来测量过的最佳硬件检测器中的攻击和释放曲线(ATTACK 和 RELEASE)形状。多段形状赋予了产品与程序相关的特性(类固醇自动攻击和自动释放)。
Tiger 实现了攻击和释放的 HOLD 功能(这种组合在软件压缩器中也是非常罕见的)。
Tiger 实现了多个可变加权检测器,可同时处理与信号其余部分相关的瞬态信号(这也是一个取决于程序的功能)。
Tiger 实现了一个可管理的快速压缩器和慢速压缩器的概念,以精确平衡同一模式中的强力压缩和软压缩。
Tiger 在检测器中实施了一个积分器(POWER),以参数方式管理瞬态响应速度。与纯粹的峰值(PEAK)或有效值(RMS)压缩器不同,Tiger 可以表示基于可变间距有效值功率测量的检测器。
Tiger 在侧链路径(深度空间)中实现了一个电路,专门用于优化快速时间常数下的失真。
Tiger 实现了真正的攻击前瞻(因此独立于释放),可在存在快速时间常数的情况下优化失真。
Tiger 基于一个高通滤波器和一个双半参数峰值或搁架型均衡器,实现了一个相对全面的侧链均衡器,并接受外部侧链。
Tiger 实现了复杂的过采样(这已成为我们最新发布产品的一个显著特征),其特点是具有特别适合瞬态的脉冲响应和零相位变化。
在每个信号路径中,每个动态元素都独立于输入通道(事实上,Tiger 由 6 个独立的压缩器组成)。
Tiger 实现了直观的变形控制 (MORPH),允许 Tiger 的每个动态元素从压缩器、限制器到饱和器无缝转换,同时直观地处理立体链接。
Tiger 为喜欢快速直观界面的用户提供了带有 3D 图形和平面 2D 图形的皮肤。界面反应灵敏,具有侧链路径、信号 Delta 和旁路监听功能。
Tiger 还实现了低延迟版本(特别是无过采样版本,因为延迟相对较低),尤其是专为跟踪而设计的 TIGER MIX 版本。
Tiger 包括可调整大小且反应灵敏的图形用户界面。
Tiger 的音质出色、独特。

解压,去除 DRM 相关的臃肿
Acustica Audio Tiger 24
Tiger is the first Acqua plugin suite (VST/VST3/AAX/AU) in Core 19 based on our second-generation ‘Hyper’ technology encompassing a superlative collection of Acustica’s most renowned compressors.

Recently, we have witnessed the proliferation of software dedicated to dynamics: the trend in recent releases often focuses on overcoming the limits of analog compression while maintaining the musicality that has always distinguished it. In the latest products, sidechain management has improved with more complete equalizer chains or enhanced with simultaneous control based on independent detectors to handle transients and the sustained part of the signal. We have put together our experience to try to solve this problem according to our vision: the idea of Tiger is to put together our models and some very recent concepts to create the best possible experience for “our” users.
What is Tiger not?

Tiger is not a compressor trying to imitate a specific vintage item. The idea is to have a chameleon-like object that tries to imitate them all, overcoming the limitations of each. If you want a replica of a specific product, we certainly have a particular thing that is more relevant in our catalog. We did not include final clippers and brick-wall limiters in the signal path so as not to replicate the functionality of other products: the result would have been to complicate it unnecessarily and duplicate functionality already found elsewhere.
What You Get

Tiger includes two different GUIs to choose from:

TIGER, TIGER MIX, TIGER MAST: plugins based on a 3D ‘Acustica’s classic-style’ GUI.
TIGER ‘Flat’, TIGER MIX ‘Flat’, TIGER MAST ‘Flat’ & FIRE THE TIGER: plugin versions based on a 2D ‘modern-style’ GUI.

If you are an ‘analogue-lover’, you can work with Acustica’s classic style interface; if you want to experience something never seen before here, choose the 2D modern interface(Tiger flat, Tiger Mix flat & Tiger Mast flat).

Key Features
Here is a summary of Tiger’s main features:

Tiger includes four different plugins to choose from (‘Tiger flat’ and Tiger; ‘Tiger Mix flat’ and Tiger Mix).
Tiger implements a long list of compression curves accurately sampled from the best analog compressors and software. We have found that this is a relatively rare added value in software implementations (often, these curves are clean, synthesized, modified, and are not the actual result of a sampling operation). In this respect, Tiger copies Ash’s strategy for clippers, but in the realm of compression.
Tiger implements the shapes of attack and release curves (ATTACK and RELEASE) in the detectors from the best HARDWARE we have measured over the years. The multi-segment shapes endow the product with program-dependent characteristics (auto-attack and auto-release on steroids).
Tiger implements in its detectors modulators of the shape for attack and release times (ASHMOD, RSHMOD) coming from the best SOFTWARE (yes, this time software as well) and hardware attack and release curves we have analyzed. It’s the first time we have introduced release modulation in one of our products.
Tiger implements a HOLD functionality for both the attack and the release (this combined presence is also quite rare in software compressors).
Tiger implements multiple variable-weighted detectors for handling transients simultaneously concerning the rest of the signal (this is also a program-dependent feature).
Tiger implements a concept of a managed fast compressor and slow compressor to balance aggressive and soft compressions within the same pattern precisely.
Tiger implements an integrator (POWER) in the detectors to parametrically manage transient response speed. In contrast to a purely PEAK or RMS compressor, Tiger can represent compressors that implement detectors based on variable-pitch RMS power measurements.
Tiger implements a circuit in the sidechain path (DEEP SPACE) dedicated to optimizing distortion in the presence of fast time constants.
Tiger implements a true look-ahead on the attack (thus independent of the release) that can optimize distortion in the presence of fast time constants.
Tiger implements a relatively comprehensive sidechain equalizer based on a high-pass filter and a dual semi-parametric peak or shelf-type equalizer and accepts external sidechains.
Tiger implements sophisticated oversampling (which has become a distinctive feature in the latest products we have released), characterized by a particularly transient-friendly impulse response and zero phase alteration.
In each signal path, each dynamic element is independent of the input channels (in fact, Tiger consists of 6 separate compressors).
Tiger implements an intuitive morphing control (MORPH) that allows each of Tiger’s dynamic elements to be seamlessly transformed from a compressor to a limiter to a saturator while simultaneously handling the stereo-link intuitively.
Tiger implements skins with 3D graphics and flat 2D graphics for lovers of fast and intuitive interfaces. The interface is highly responsive, with a sidechain path, signal delta, and bypass listening.
Tiger also implements low-latency versions (especially without oversampling, as the latency is relatively low), especially for the TIGER MIX version, designed for tracking.
Tiger includes Resizable and responsive GUI.
Tiger has a great and distinctive sound.

Library is completely decrypted,
decompressed, DRM related bloat
removed, and built to the clean one.




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