压缩/EQ/放大器效果器插件 Acustica Audio Tulip 2024 [WiN+MAC]
版本 | 2024
Win 10-11 | AAX | VST | VST3 | 1.2GB
Mac10.15-13.X | AAX | AU | VST | VST3 | 1.42GB
Tulip 是我们新推出的 Acqua 插件(VST/VST3/AAX/AU)”精品系列 “中的第三款,是向荷兰著名电子公司致敬的产品。从 20 世纪 50 年代开始,他们开始生产具有真正卓越功能的高质量专业音频设备。这些设备主要用于为他们的唱片公司录制唱片,多年来,大卫-鲍伊(David Bowie)、比吉斯(The Bee Gees)、雪莉-巴斯(Shirley Bassey)、妮娜-西蒙(Nina Simone)、德米斯-鲁索斯(Demis Roussos)、达斯蒂-斯普林菲尔德(Dusty Springfield)、罗伊-汉密尔顿(Roy Hamilton)等一系列具有里程碑意义的艺术家都曾在该公司工作过。
这款插件是 Acqua 套装中第一款采用我们全新 Hyper 前置放大技术的产品。它大大提高了当前前置放大器模拟的标准,提供了尽可能高的音频质量、精确的调整和低 CPU 消耗,充分利用了我们 VVK 技术的非凡潜力。
Tulip 包括
Tulip EQ:两个带 HP-LP 滤波器的可切换均衡器,以及三种不同的前置放大器。
郁金香压缩器 固态 VCA 压缩器/限幅器;具有四种不同的可切换动态处理器模拟:称为 Comp 的原始模型;Acustica 基于 Hyper 压缩技术创建的称为 Ultracomp 的 “科学怪人 “模式;两种不同的砖墙限幅器;以及一种压缩器前置放大器模拟。
郁金香前置放大器:16 个线路前置放大器、16 个话筒前置放大器和 16 个自定义前置放大器。
郁金香通道带: 两个可切换的无源均衡器、一个具有 4 种不同可切换模式的 VCA 压缩器/限幅器;加上一个完整的前置放大器部分,总共有 38 个前置放大器(16 个线路放大器、16 个话筒放大器和 6 个自定义模拟)。
程序库已完全解密、解压缩,删除了 DRM 相关的臃肿内容,并已构建为纯净的程序库。
Acustica Audio Tulip 2024
Tulip is the third in our new “Boutique Collection” of Acqua plugins (VST/VST3/AAX/AU) that pays tribute to a prestigious Dutch electronics company. Starting in the 1950s, they began producing quality professional audio equipment with truly outstanding features. This equipment was mainly used on recordings for their label, which over the years was home to an array of landmark artists such as David Bowie, The Bee Gees, Shirley Bassey, Nina Simone, Demis Roussos, Dusty Springfield, Roy Hamilton and many others.
This plugin is the first in the Acqua suite in which our new Hyper preamplification technology has been put to use. It significantly improves the standard of current preamplifier emulations, offering the highest possible audio quality, precision adjustments, and low CPU consumption, taking full advantage of the extraordinary potential of our VVK technology.
Tulip brings together emulations derived from the extremely rare hardware units built by a well-known Dutch multinational company that both created and acquired a number of record labels over the years. They had the habit of renaming the sound consoles they designed and built according to while label was using it, so it’s not surprising to find versions of the exact same console that have been branded differently.
We’ve taken the best features from these sought-after classic consoles and put them all into Tulip. Any sound engineer will be fascinated by the unique features of this one-of-a-kind plugin suite.
What You Get
Tulip includes:
Tulip EQ: Two switchable equalizers with HP-LP filters, plus three different preamps.
Tulip Comp: A solid-state VCA compressor/limiter; featuring four different switchable dynamic processor emulations: the original model, called Comp; a “Frankenstein” mode created by Acustica called Ultracomp based on our Hyper compression technology; two different brickwall limiters; plus a compressor preamp emulation.
Tulip Pre: 16 line preamps, 16 mic preamps, and 16 custom preamps.
Tulip Channel Strip: Two switchable passive equalizers, a VCA compressor/limiter with 4 different switchable modes; plus a complete preamp section, for a total of 38 preamplifiers (16 line, 16 mic, and 6 custom emulations).
Library is completely decrypted, decompressed, DRM related bloat removed, and built to the clean one.
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