WAV | 828.7MB
制作人和吉他手 Michael Hewett 从他 25 年以上的尼龙/钢弦吉他和 charango 实践中创建了一个华丽的自定义循环和样本调色板。Michael 专注于捕捉指甲接触琴弦的亲密声音、空灵的 ebow 声音、迷人的 charango 段落和受墨西哥、南美洲和中美洲音乐影响的可跳舞的茎。
Producer and guitarist Michael Hewett has created a gorgeous palette of custom loops and samples from his 25-year plus practice of nylon/steel string guitars & charango. Michael focused on capturing the intimate sound of the nail contacting the strings, ethereal ebow sheets of sound, enchanting charango passages & danceable stems influenced by the music of Mexico, South and Central America.
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