合成器插件 Roland Cloud SYSTEM-1 v1.1.5 [WiN]
版本 | v1.1.5
与 2014 年发布的硬件同类产品一样,SYSTEM-1 软件合成器也拥有深度控制和丰富的音色。对于 SYSTEM-1 硬件用户,软件提供了高级编辑器/图书馆功能和全面的 DAW 集成。对于制作人来说,它能以虚拟形式提供 SYSTEM-1 的强大音效。
12 种振荡器类型,包括超级锯齿、超级方形、FM 和元音,以及两个带子振荡器和噪音发生器的振荡器
集成延迟、混响和破碎效果,以及节奏同步 LFO
用于 SYSTEM-1 硬件的完整编辑器/资料库和 DAW 集成
Like its hardware counterpart released in 2014, the SYSTEM-1 Software Synthesizer boasts deep control and a diverse sound palette. For SYSTEM-1 hardware owners, the software provides advanced editor/librarian functions and total DAW integration. For producers, it delivers the mighty sound of the SYSTEM-1 in virtual form.
Twelve oscillator types including Super Saw, Super Square, FM, and Vowel, plus two oscillators with sub-oscillator and noise generator
Advanced arpeggiator with Scatter function
Independent low-pass and high-pass filters
Integrated delay, reverb, and crusher effects plus tempo-sync LFO
Complete editor/librarian and DAW integration for SYSTEM-1 hardware
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