合成器插件 Roland Cloud JUNO-60 v1.0.4 [WiN]

作者 : admin 本文共4491个字,预计阅读时间需要12分钟 发布时间: 2023-08-26 共282人阅读

版本 | v1.0.4

Win 10-11 | VST | VST3 | 11MB

罗兰 JUNO-60 为 80 年代的声音做出了贡献,因其复古的风格和独特的个性而备受推崇。简而言之,当你想到丰满、有力的模拟合成器时,你脑海中就会浮现出它的声音。有了 JUNO-60 软件合成器,你就能在现代软件乐器中完全体验到这款传奇键盘的原汁原味。

JUNO-60 是罗兰标志性 JUNO 系列中最早的型号之一,至今仍是许多合成器爱好者的最爱。它于 1982 年发布,取代了 JUNO-6,在前代产品的基础上进行了改进,具有当时罕见的保存补丁功能。虽然下一代 JUNO-106 进一步普及了 JUNO 的名称,但 JUNO-60 所特有的丰满度和高保真音效仍是世界各地音乐家和制作人的永恒追求。

什么造就了 JUNO?
JUNO 的配方包括单个 DCO、肥厚的副振荡器和特性鲜明的 VCF,当然还有巨大的漩涡式合唱,这些元素共同构成了一种让人爱不释手的声音。这种简单得令人难以置信的结构,加上易于操作的工作流程,意味着不费吹灰之力就能发出美妙的声音。数十年来,Roland JUNO 的音色已经超越了合成器的范畴–它就是 JUNO。

自发布最初的 JUNO-60 以来的几十年中,我们一直在对声音和合成科学进行深入研究。我们专有的 ACB(模拟电路行为)技术是 JUNO-60 软件合成器和其他传奇系列插件令人惊叹的精确音质的幕后功臣。它包括对我们标志性设计的实际模拟电路进行精心建模,使声音栩栩如生,让你的汗毛都竖起来了。

在设计 JUNO-60 软件合成器时,我们认为最重要的是不要偏离原版精心平衡的魔力,包括其古怪的怪癖和迷人的限制。但我们还是忍不住添加了一些小细节,如扩大振荡器范围和添加第二个包络线,以增加灵活性。它仍然是 JUNO-60,只是……更多。

滤波器对合成器音色的贡献怎么强调都不为过。罗兰滤波器以其丰富的特性而闻名,JUNO-60 的滤波器就是最好的例子。你可以用各种形容词来形容它的声音–甜美、肥厚、多汁–而且你不会听错。JUNO-60 软件合成器完美地模拟了原版滤波器,甚至还能切换到 JUNO-106 的 HPF 电路,使其具有独特的低音效果。

JUNO 音效的一个重要部分就是其丰富的合唱电路。与原版一样,软件版有两种可选的合唱模式,还有第三种 “秘密 “模式,同时按下两个按钮即可进入。我们详细模拟了这一行为,以及大多数 JUNO 乐迷认为是其魅力所在的固有噪音。在此基础上,我们还增加了另一个合唱选项,即经典的 BOSS CE-1 踏板,以及同样丰富的混响、延时、镶边和过载效果。

专业音效设计师在 JUNO-60 软件合成器中加入了大量混音就绪的预置音色,让你的演奏如虎添翼。从低音和前奏到垫子和弹拨乐器,这里汇集了大量极具冲击力、令人回味的音色,可激发新的音乐灵感并快速创建音轨。

Roland Cloud 是唯一能提供真实 JUNO-60 音色的软件资源。原始硬件版本稀缺、昂贵,而且需要经常调整,而我们的插件则始终保持最新,随时可以播放,满足您的任何需要。

The Roland JUNO-60 helped define the sound of the ’80s and is highly prized for its vintage vibe and unmistakable character. Simply put, it’s the sound you hear in your head when you think of fat, punchy analog synthesizers. With the JUNO-60 Software Synthesizer, you get the full authentic experience of this legendary keyboard in a modern software instrument.

Big, fat analog goodness.
The JUNO-60 was among the earliest models in Roland’s iconic JUNO series, and it still tops many synth aficionado’s lists of all-time favorites. Released in 1982 to replace the JUNO-6, it improved on its predecessor with a then-rare ability to save patches. While the next-generation JUNO-106 would further popularize the JUNO name, the JUNO-60 has a characteristic fatness and hi-fi punch that remains eternally desirable to musicians and producers everywhere.

What makes a JUNO?
The JUNO formula of a single DCO, fat sub-oscillator, and characterful VCF—and, of course, the massive swirling chorus—adds up to a sound you can’t help but love. This deceptively simple architecture, along with an easily approachable workflow, means great sounds just pour out with seemingly no effort. Tried and true and heard on innumerable tracks over the decades, the sound of the Roland JUNO has transcended beyond being just a synthesizer—it’s a JUNO.

Sound that’s true to life.
In the decades since we released the original JUNO-60, we’ve continued our deep research into the science of sound and synthesis. Our proprietary ACB (Analog Circuit Behavior) technology is behind the startlingly accurate sound of the JUNO-60 Software Synthesizer and other Legendary series plug-ins. It involves carefully modeling the actual analog circuits of our iconic designs for sound so lifelike it makes the hair on your neck stand up.

More to love.
In designing the JUNO-60 Software Synthesizer, we felt it was important to not veer too far from the original’s carefully balanced magic—including its odd quirks and charming limitations. But we couldn’t resist adding a few touches like extending the oscillator range and adding a second envelope for a little extra flexibility. It’s still a JUNO-60, just…more.

For all the filter freaks.
You can’t overstate how much filters contribute to the sound of a synthesizer. Roland filters are well known for having a lot of character, and the JUNO-60’s filter is a prime example. You could apply all kinds of adjectives to its sound—sweet, fat, juicy—and you wouldn’t be wrong. The JUNO-60 Software Synthesizer models the original filter to perfection, and even includes the ability to switch to the JUNO-106’s HPF circuit with its characteristic bass bump.

A chorus of choruses. And more.
A huge part of the JUNO sound is its insanely lush chorus circuit. Like the original, the software version has two selectable chorus modes, plus a third “secret” mode accessed by engaging both buttons at the same time. This behavior is modeled in detail, along with the inherent noise that most JUNO fans would say is part of its charm. Taking things further, we’ve added another chorus option with the classic BOSS CE-1 pedal, along with a selection of equally luscious reverb, delay, flanger, and overdrive effects.

Tones for days.
Expert sound designers have filled the JUNO-60 Software Synthesizer with loads of mix-ready preset tones to get you going. From basses and leads to pads and plucks, there’s a treasure trove of impactful, evocative sounds to inspire new music and build tracks quickly.

Genuine sound without the hassle.
Roland Cloud is the only authentic software resource for the true JUNO-60 sound. While the original hardware version is scarce, expensive, and in need of frequent tune-ups, our plug-in is always up-to-date and ready to play, whenever you need it.




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