合成器插件 Roland Cloud JD-800 v1.0.2 [WiN]

作者 : admin 本文共3330个字,预计阅读时间需要9分钟 发布时间: 2023-08-26 共280人阅读

版本 | v1.0.2

Win 10-11 | VST | VST3 | 18MB


1991 年,罗兰发布了 JD-800–一款具有前瞻性的数字合成器,它拥有大量的手动控制功能和闪亮、复杂的音色


上世纪 90 年代初,预设驱动的数字合成器在市场上占据了主导地位,但动手控制却十分有限。1991 年,JD-800 的出现改变了这一切,它通过一个巨大的控制面板和毫无保留的电子音色调色板,让合成器世界回归本源。JD-800 以播放器为中心的工作流程、令人回味的音效和强大的效果,在整个 90 年代及以后,一直是顶级电子音乐制作人的最爱。

JD-800 使用 D-50 风格的波形和多模谐振滤波器,采用了与当时其他合成器不同的方法,让人看到了混合合成令人兴奋的未来。它的四个层中的每一层本身就像是一个完整的合成器,具有灵活的调制路由和随时间变化的放大器滤波器包络。多年来,这种独特的结构、复杂的音色和直接的亲身体验使 JD-800 深受许多铁杆合成器迷的喜爱。

原汁原味的 JD-800 声音和行为。
JD-800 软件合成器经过精心制作,声音和行为与原始硬件一模一样。我们使用了原始波形数据和先进的建模技术,而不是简单地使用大量 JD-800 采样,从而完美地再现了只有 JD-800 才能提供的宽敞、明亮的音效。

JD-800 音效的一个关键要素是其强大的多级效果器。这里对其进行了精心再造,并通过扩展视图进行了增强,非常适合实时调整。除主均衡器外,还有 7 种效果器,可通过拖放重新排列,自定义信号流。你可以从失真/过载、增强器、频谱均衡器、相位器、合唱、三拍延时和精选的混响效果中进行选择,每种效果都有多个参数,能极大地改变音质特性。

丰富的音效选择,包括 64 种来自 JD-800 硬件的原始预置,让你瞬间回到 90 年代。此外,还有 64 种全新预置,经过精心制作,展示了 JD-800 在现代环境中如何激发灵感、令人回味无穷。您还可以使用大量的控制功能,创造出前所未闻的音效,让您的音乐脱颖而出。

In 1991, Roland released the JD-800—a forward-thinking, digital synthesizer sporting a huge range of hands-on controls and a gleaming, complex sound.

The instrument would soon find its way onto classic albums and numerous film and television scores, and it remains highly sought after to this day. Thanks to our advanced modeling engine that incorporates the original waveform data, you can now have the unique sound and experience of this vintage digital icon in a modern software instrument.

The return of the hands-on synth.
By the early ’90s, preset-driven digital synths with limited hands-on controls dominated the landscape. The JD-800 changed all that in 1991, bringing the synthesizer world back to its roots with a massive control-laden panel and an unapologetically electronic sound palette. With its player-focused workflow, evocative sounds, and powerful effects, the JD-800 was a favorite for top electronic music producers throughout the ’90s and beyond.

A different kind of synthesizer.
Using D-50-style waveforms with multimode resonant filters, the JD-800 took a different approach to other synthesizers of the day and offered a glimpse at the exciting future of hybrid synthesis. Each of its four layers is like a complete synthesizer in its own right, with flexible modulation routing and time-variant amp and filter envelopes. This unique architecture, complex tonality, and immediate hands-on experience has endeared the JD-800 to many hard-core synth fans over the years.

Authentic JD-800 sound and behavior.
The JD-800 Software Synthesizer is painstakingly crafted to sound and behave exactly like the original hardware. Rather than simply a bunch of JD-800 samples, we used the original waveform data along with advanced modeling techniques to perfectly recreate the big, bright, spacious sound that only the JD-800 can deliver.

Special effects.
A key ingredient of the JD-800’s sound was its formidable multistage effects section. It’s been carefully recreated here and enhanced with an expanded view perfect for realtime tweaking. In addition to a master EQ, there are seven effects that can be rearranged via drag and drop to customize your signal flow. Choose from distortion/overdrive, enhancer, spectrum equalizer, phaser, chorus, triple-tap delay, and a selection of reverbs, each with multiple parameters that vastly change the sonic character.

Sounds that inspire your music.
Instantly create with the large sound selection, including 64 original presets from the JD-800 hardware that transport you straight back to the ’90s. There are also 64 new presets, expertly crafted to show how inspiring and evocative the JD-800 can be in a modern context. Or simply dive into the huge array of controls and create never-before-heard sounds that make your music stand out.




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