酸性Bass合成器插件 Roland Cloud TB-303 v1.0.6 [WiN]

作者 : admin 本文共5002个字,预计阅读时间需要13分钟 发布时间: 2023-08-26 共281人阅读

版本 | v1.0.6

Win 10-11 | VST | VST3 | 10MB

Roland TB-303 低音线具有鲜明的音质特征,充满温暖、活力和个性,是 20 世纪 80 年代末酸性屋运动的标志。1981 年推出时曾被广泛误解,几年后,当电子音乐制作人重新发现这个古怪的盒子时,真正的革命开始了,它释放出的催眠、流动的声音吸引了一代人。TB-303 Software Bass Line 在 DAW 插件中提供了这一历史性乐器,具有电路级的音质精度和实用的现代增强功能。

有些乐器极具开创性,创造了整个音乐流派。TB-303 就是这样一款极具影响力的乐器,但它并非一直如此。1981 年,当罗兰发布 TB-303 时,它的市场定位是模拟传统低音吉他的电脑低音机,但并没有得到广泛应用。后来,富有创造力的电子音乐家发现了 303(通常是在二手市场上),并为其流畅的低音找到了新的用途。

DJ Pierre 和 Phuture 以全新的方式使用 303,开创了 “酸 “音乐的先河。正如罗兰 TR-808 对嘻哈音乐的影响一样,TB-303 在 80 年代末 90 年代初的狂欢文化中也发挥了至关重要的作用。虽然我们可能永远无法真正理解为什么 303 的音色会让人想跳舞,但它的力量、影响力和让派对开始的坚定能力是不可否认的。

插入你自己的 TB-303
TB-303 软件合成器将经典乐器提升到了一个新的水平。利用模拟电路行为建模,虚拟 TB-303 捕获了原始硬件的迷人音色,是 TR-909 和其他经典罗兰乐器的完美补充。它完美再现了原版的标志性界面和特有的嘎吱嘎吱声,同时还增加了新功能,这在当时肯定会让人眼前一亮:

303 的新编辑窗口是最引人注目的功能之一。您首次可以通过可视化界面创建和编辑模式。您可以看到预设音型的 DNA,然后编辑变体,或从头开始,然后逐步编辑一个新的音型,最多可使用 6 个八度音阶,以及用户定义的音阶、重音、滑音、音高处理等。全新的随机化/生成功能可创造出无穷无尽的经典 303 模式。

TB-303 软件合成器有五种新的播放模式(前进/后退/前进与后退/反向/随机),扩大了实验能力。这些新功能可让声波炼金术士随意扭动低音,改变方向。

TB-303 首次实现了每个库最多可存储 64 个模式和 64 个补丁。用户界面面板上仍可访问一个模式的 8 种变化。此外,303 还拥有 32 种预设模式和 48 种独特音色,为您提供完整的音效模板,供您探索。

303 最右侧角落的隐藏面板可解锁各种新的音色调节功能。通过新的 VCF 修饰、Vintage Condition 和 Master Tune 旋钮,探索扩展的电路修改。板载效果,包括具有节奏同步功能的失真和延时,一定能激发出新的创意

虚拟酸: 新一代 TB-303
Roland Cloud 的 TB-303 提供了模仿过去或开辟新道路的手段。TB-303 在撼动现状、挑战期望方面有着光荣的历史。使用 TB-303 为明天的声音留下印记,成为永恒音乐遗产的一部分。

每个库 64 个模式
每个库 64 个补丁
包含 48 个预置音色和 32 个预置模式
每个模式有 8 种变化
通过新的 VCF Trim、Vintage Condition 和 Master Tune 旋钮修改电路
将 MIDI/音频数据拖放至 DAW 的模式
五种播放模式: 前进、后退、前进与后退、反转和随机
六八度音域(C0 至 C6)
位置锁定至 DAW

With an unmistakable sonic signature brimming with warmth, energy, and character, the Roland TB-303 Bass Line defined the acid house movement of the late 1980s. Widely misunderstood when launched in 1981, the true revolution began several years later when electronic music producers rediscovered the quirky box, unleashing the hypnotic, liquid sound that captivated a generation. The TB-303 Software Bass Line delivers this historic instrument in a DAW plug-in, with circuit-level sonic accuracy and useful modern enhancements.

Humble Beginnings
Some instruments are so groundbreaking they create entire musical genres. The TB-303 is one of these influential instruments, but it wasn’t always seen that way. When Roland released the TB-303 in 1981, it was marketed as a computerized bass machine to simulate a traditional bass guitar, but didn’t quite catch on. Later on, inventive electronic musicians discovered the 303, often on the secondhand market, and found new uses for its recognizably fluid low end.

Iconic Status
Using the 303 in new ways, DJ Pierre and Phuture pioneered what came to be known as acid. This new sound ignited other electronic music genres and, like the Roland TR-808’s influence on hip-hop, the TB-303 played an essential role in late ‘80s-early ‘90s rave culture. While we may never really understand why the 303 sound makes people want to dance, there’s no denying its power, influence, and unwavering ability to get a party started.

Plug In Your Own TB-303
The TB-303 Software Synthesizer takes the classic instrument to the next level. Utilizing Analog Circuit Behavior modeling the virtual TB-303 captures the hypnotic tone of the original hardware and forms the perfect complement to the TR-909 and other classic Roland instruments. The iconic interface and signature crunch and squelch of the original are perfectly reproduced, while adding new features which surely would have turned heads back in the day:

Edit Window
The 303’s new editing window is one of the most striking features. For the first time, you can create and edit patterns with a visual interface. With the ability to see the DNA of a preset pattern, you can edit a variation, or start from scratch then step-edit a new pattern, using up to six octaves with user-defined scales, accents, slides, pitch manipulation, and more. The new randomize/generate functions create an endless supply of classic 303 patterns.

Five Play Modes
With five new play modes (Forward/Reverse/FWD&REV/Invert/Random) the TB-303 Software Synthesizer widens the ability to experiment. These new functions allow sonic alchemists to twist and turn the bass, changing direction at will.

More Memory and Manipulation
For the first time, the TB-303 can hold up to 64 patterns and 64 patches per bank. The eight variations of a pattern are still accessible on the UI faceplate. Plus, with 32 preset patterns and 48 unique sounds, the 303 arrives complete with sonic templates for you to explore.

The Secret Panel
A hidden panel on the far-right corner of the 303 unlocks a variety of new tone-coloring features. Explore the expanded circuit modification via the new VCF trim, Vintage Condition, and Master Tune knobs. The onboard effects, including distortion and delay with tempo-sync, are sure to inspire fresh ideas.

Virtual Acid: TB-303 for a New Generation
Roland Cloud’s TB-303 provides the means to emulate the past or lay down brave new pathways. It’s an instrument with a proud history of shaking up the status quo and defying expectations. Use the TB-303 to leave an imprint on tomorrow’s sounds and become part of a lasting musical legacy.

Key Plug-In Features
64 patterns per bank
64 patches per bank
48 preset patches and 32 preset patterns included
Eight variations per pattern
New graphic edit window for step input, pattern edit, and pattern creation
Circuit modification via the new VCF Trim, Vintage Condition, and Master Tune knobs
Condition knob adjusts the age and condition of the virtual hardware
Overdrive/compressor and delay with tempo sync
Pattern drag-and-drop of MIDI/audio data to your DAW
Five play modes: Forward, Reverse, Fwd & Rev, Invert, and Random
Six-octave spread (C0 to C6)
Position locking to DAW




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