Steinberg Cubase pro 10 v10.5.20 Windows完整版 26GB 音乐制作编曲混音宿主 暂无演示

Steinberg Cubase pro 10 v10.5.20 Windows完整版 26GB 音乐制作编曲混音宿主

¥12.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 12.8金币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :0金币
  • 终身SVIP购买价格 : 免费
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  • Windows+MacOSX
  • 版本稳定好用


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  • Windows 7 | 8 | 10 | 26GB
    Cubase10 Pro是一款非常好用的音乐制作软件,软件内置各种功能,为你提供了所有你需要创建,录制,编辑和制作音乐最优质的工具,它还含有音乐录音功能强大的DAW应用程序,整理和编辑数字音频等功能,总体来说还是非常不错的。
    Cubase10 Pro
    只需使用任何一段音频创建采样器轨迹,以色彩播放示例,使用其板载滤波器和控件进行操作,实验并欣赏Sampler Track可以给您的声音大潮。为了取得成功,Sampler Track带有万花筒,一个专门的样品库,拥有数百个样品和预设,可立即开始使用。
    新的频率均衡插件可以准确地提供您希望增加您的作品的工具,无论是平滑的衰减,您可以将您正在寻找的曲目融合到一起,还可以为您提供微观音频手术的选择。频率为您提供八个乐队,每个乐队的M / S支持和线性相位模式,自动聆听您刚刚制作的调整,Spectrum Display甚至音乐键盘,以帮助您找到正确的音色。频率可以从基础跟踪,混合到高级的最终抛光所需要。
    Cubase10 Pro
    你有没有想要单独使用反转录过滤器或效果?那么现在你可以!新的Audio-Ins选项为您提供发送音频到支持侧链的VST 3仪器插件的机会。这将增加您的创意声音设计的十倍。
    Cubase10 Pro



    Cubase is one of the most powerful music creation software packages in the world. With its unrivaled range of flexible tools, you can create any kind of music quickly and intuitively. It comes packed with a wide range of virtual instruments, effects and thousands of sounds. Whether you’re a professional composer or a music production beginner, Cubase provides you with everything you need for turning your ideas into music.

    Cubase 10.5 follows up the highly anticipated landmark release with many significant improvements, additional inspiring tools and major workflow refinements. Whether you are looking for creative inspiration or new ways to speed up your professional workflow, the new features in Cubase 10.5 specifically cater to your needs.

    Spectral Comparison EQ
    Cleaning up frequencies to create room for each instrument is the key to a good mix. The new Spectral Comparison mode in the Channel EQ helps you to identify where action is needed. Just route a second signal from any track into the EQ and compare the spectral curves within the EQ display. Toggle between the EQ controls of the source and comparison channel and adjust the mix without losing focus on what you’re doing.

    Video Export Render
    Scoring to picture is one of the many strengths of Cubase. You can now export videos (including audio) for your clients and collaborators directly from within the DAW. The new video export feature lets you render videos as MP4 with H.264 video compression and 16-bit stereo audio in 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz. Export the whole video or just footage within the locator range, adding the timecode to the video export for the next production process.

    MultiTap Delay
    Providing the rhythm for your echo, the new MultiTap Delay is made for musicians, with all the inspirational creative options that you need. Up to eight taps per delay loop can conveniently be created and edited. You can add effects with a simple click to the complete output, just the delay loops or even each individual tap, while different character presets deliver the sound of clean digital delays or classic vintage echo units.

    Padshop 2
    Steinberg’s highly acclaimed granular synthesizer Padshop 2 comes with great improvements and even more creative tools. At its heart, the new spectral oscillator opens the door to unheard soundscapes and lets you turn your own samples into fascinating sonic sculptures. Add motion to your sounds with the new arpeggiator section and use the effects section to add the finishing shine. You can be inspired by the 100 new presets or start creating your own unique sounds right away.

    Colorized Mixer Channels
    Maintaining a clear overview while your project is growing is essential for a fast and easy workflow. With the new option to colorize complete channels in the MixConsole with track colors, you will be able to focus on the mix by intuitively finding the channels you are looking for. Even if you are sitting several meters away from the screen, there is no longer a danger of getting lost in your mix!

    Import Tracks From Projects
    Exchanging data between projects or creating new project templates is now vastly easier with the new track import functionality. Import multiple track types from other projects (like Group, FX or Folder Tracks) and select the track attributes you want to import. Setting up the same drum mix for multiple projects? Cubase has you covered. With a simple click, the Auto Map function even matches the imported tracks to existing tracks with the same name.

    Retrospective MIDI Record
    Do you always deliver your best performances when not recording? The completely revised MIDI Retrospective Recording feature can help you to bring your A game to every project. Cubase tracks your MIDI input — even when you are not recording — and brings back your chords and melodies as a stacked cycle or a continuous performance with just a click. Even better, your performance is captured on multiple tracks. So no more worries — Cubase has your back.

    Combined Select Tools
    The new Combined Select Tools mode speeds up your editing workflow by combining the two most frequently used tools in one powerful feature. Activate the new tool mode and the selection tools for both objects and ranges can be used at the same time, without the need to change tools. If you are a professional and time is critical, Combined Select Tools mode will be your new best friend!


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