嘻哈鼓组采样包 Loaded Samples Memphis Underground Volume 1 Drum Kit WAV 音色

已加载采样 Memphis Underground Volume 1 Drum Kit WAV
说明 我们最畅销的鼓包。本采样包真实捕捉了 90 年代孟菲斯说唱音乐的声音。我们录制并处理了许多孟菲斯制作人使用的 DR5 原始鼓机的声音。包含所有原始 DR5 鼓和乐器音效,以及经过磁带和低保真处理的鼓音效。DR5 鼓机是定义 90 年代孟菲斯说唱音效的原始鼓机之一。在此套件中,我还附赠了一份免费 pdf,其中介绍了低保真混音和 VST 技术。
-220 种 DR5 原始鼓声(通过模拟混音器处理)
-86 种经过磁带处理的 DR5 鼓声
-39 种经过低保真处理的 DR5 鼓声
-82 种 DR5 乐器(录制多个八度音阶,以获得最大灵活性)
-混音和低保真 VST 技巧 PDF
Loaded Samples Memphis Underground Volume 1 Drum Kit WAV
Description: Our best-selling Drum Kit. This Sample Pack authentically captures the 90s Memphis Rap Sound. We recorded and processed sounds from the original DR5 Drum Machine which was used by many Memphis Producers. Includes all of the original DR5 Drum and Instrument sounds as well as Tape & Lo-Fi processed versions of the drum sounds. The DR5 Drum Machine was one of the original machines that defined the 90s Memphis Rap sound. With this kit I am also including a free pdf with lo-fi mixing & VST techniques.
•220 DR5 Original Drum Sounds (processed through an Analog Mixer)
•86 Tape Processed DR5 Drum Sounds
•39 Lo-Fi Processed DR5 Drum Sounds
•82 DR5 Instruments (Multiple octaves recorded for maximum flexibility)
•Tape Hiss & Vinyl Record Crackle FX
•Mixing & Lo-Fi VST Tips PDF
•220 DR5 Original Drum Sounds (processed through an Analog Mixer)
•86 Tape Processed DR5 Drum Sounds
•39 Lo-Fi Processed DR5 Drum Sounds
•82 DR5 Instruments (Multiple octaves recorded for maximum flexibility)
•Tape Hiss & Vinyl Record Crackle FX
•Mixing & Lo-Fi VST Tips PDF
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