效果预设 PastToFutureReverbs API 512c Mic Preamp IRs! Impulse Responses IRs WAV
API 512c IRs | 1.43MB
描述 每个专业录音室都有一对的传奇经典录音室话筒前置放大器!
我们在这款软件包中收录了 2 款 API 话筒前置放大器。一个旧的,一个新的。
您将在此音源包中获得 12 个 IRÆ!
(24Bit/96kHz Wav 文件)
PastToFutureReverbs API 512c Mic Preamp IRs! Impulse Responses (IRs) WAV
Description: One of the legendary studio classic mic preamps that every professional studio has a pair of!
We captured 2 API mic preamps in this pack. An old one and a new one.
The new one sounds open, silky perfect for guitars and overheads and the old one sounds more mid-rangy and punchy that is perfect for Vocals and Drums!
You will get 12 IRÆs in this pack!
(24Bit/96kHz Wav Files)
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