教会音乐聚会采样包 Sound Doctrine Fellowship WAV 音色
WAV | 520MB
是一套向非裔美国人教会文化的一个组成部分致敬的样本。虽然这里的团契是指教会聚会中的社区,但它的 “声音 “是指人们一起唱歌、一起玩耍,享受彼此的陪伴。
-75 个单曲
-90 个循环
Sound Doctrine Fellowship WAV
Description: Fellowship is a sample pack that pays homage to an integral part of African American Church culture. Although fellowship in this context is the community that happens in church gatherings, the ‘sound’ of it is all about people singing together, playing together, and enjoying the company of one another.
From church service in the sanctuary to sharing a meal together in the fellowship hall to facilitating Sunday School, funeral repasts and even wedding receptions can always be found in such multi-purpose rooms that were all about being together. Channel some of the authentic sounds of gospel music from this sample pack full of warm vocals, pianos, organs, bass guitar, synth leads, and more.
•75 one shots
•90 loops
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