RNB采样包 Sound Doctrine Reflections Volume 2 WAV soul音色
WAV | 465MB
简介 Reflections Volume 2》的灵感来自福音艺术家约兰达-亚当斯(Yolanda Adams)等人的传奇音乐和职业生涯,他们将当代 R&B 和灵魂乐的声音真正融入了福音音乐。在上世纪 90 年代中后期到 2000 年代初,这些音乐成为福音电台的基石,音乐会大厅的劲爆民谣和录音室制作的唱片脱颖而出,使福音音乐的声音和制作在世纪之交得到了长足的发展。
我们在这次发行中得到了很多帮助和合作,达纳-索雷(Dana Sorey)在他的 C. Blake 工作室与功勋卓著的音乐家摩根-特纳(Morgan Turner)、安特万-伊斯顿(Antwann Easton)和我们自己的帕吉-特里贝特(Pudge Tribbett)一起,再次为这个项目提供了他获奖的专业制作技术。我们还请到了安吉-怀特-罗宾斯(Angie White-Robbins),她再次为这套包含 10 个循环的、充满纯正当代福音音色的音乐提供了出色的演唱。
本版本旨在为 Splice 社区提供纯正的音乐和艺术,让您的任何项目都能更上一层楼!
Sound Doctrine Reflections Volume 2 WAV
Description: Reflections Volume 2 is a release inspired by the legendary music and career of the likes of gospel artist Yolanda Adams and others who truly infused the sound of contemporary R&B and soul of the day into the genre. In the mid to late 90Æs into the early 2000Æs, the sound became a bedrock for gospel radio with stand out concert hall power ballads and studio produced records that evolved the sound and production of gospel well into the turn of the century.
We had much help and collaboration with this release having Dana Sorey once again lend his award winning production expertise to this project in his C. Blake studios with highly decorated musicians Morgan Turner, Antwann Easton and our very own Pudge Tribbett. We also had Angie White-Robbins once again offer a phenomenal vocal performance for this pack of 10 loops full of authentic contemporary gospel sounds.
This release is all about providing the Splice community with authentic musicianship and artistry to take any of your projects up a notch!
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