吉他贝司采样包 Sound Doctrine The MoBass Sample Pack WAV 音色
WAV | 107MB
Sound Doctrine The MoBass Sample Pack WAV
描述 Sound Doctrine 推出贝司手兼制作人摩根-特纳(Morgan Turner)的 The Mobass Sample Pack。摩根是当代音乐界首屈一指的演奏家,他曾与众多福音艺术家合作录制唱片、演出/巡演,并为他们创作和制作音乐。
他的履历中不乏福音传奇人物,如 John P. Kee、Fred Hammond、Dorinda Clark Cole、Karen Clark Sheard、Paul Morton、Kurt Carr、Maurette Brown Clark、Rance Allen、Rickey Dillard 和 Kim Burrell。更不用说泰伊-特里比特(Tye Tribbett)、JJ-海尔斯顿(JJ Hairston)和 YP、詹姆斯-富特(James Fortune)、安东尼-布朗(Anthony Brown)、杰森-尼尔森(Jason Nelson)、乔纳森-尼尔森(Jonathan Nelson)、吉恩-摩尔(Gene Moore)、沃尔斯组合(The Walls Group)、塔莎-科布斯(Tasha Cobbs)等现代巨星。
有了这个音色包,你可以获得大量不同音色风格的贝斯吉他循环,适用于任何类型的音乐,还可以轻松拖放单音和和弦。本音源包还包含各种 BPM 格式的经典赞美诗旋律循环,所有旋律循环都配有低音吉他,让用户可以使用有趣、不同的和弦和和声方法来激发创造力。
Sound Doctrine The MoBass Sample Pack W
Description: Sound Doctrine presents The Mobass Sample Pack by bassist and producer Morgan Turner. Morgan is a premier player in contemporary music with a vast catalog of gospel artists he has recorded and performed/toured with, as well as written and produced for.
He touts a long resume consisting of gospel legends such as John P. Kee, Fred Hammond, Dorinda Clark Cole, Karen Clark Sheard, Paul Morton, Kurt Carr, Maurette Brown Clark, Rance Allen, Rickey Dillard, and Kim Burrell. Not to mention modern-day giants such as Tye Tribbett, JJ Hairston and YP, James Fortune, Anthony Brown, Jason Nelson, Jonathan Nelson, Gene Moore, The Walls Group, Tasha Cobbs, among others.
With this pack, youÆll have access to tons of bass guitar loops in various tone styles useful for any genre of music along with one-shots and chords that are easy for drag and drop. With various BPM formats, this pack also contains melodic loops of classic hymnals all with bass guitar giving users access to an interesting and different take on chords and a harmonic approach to spark creativity.
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