福音采样包 Sound Doctrine Night Service WAV 音色
WAV | 413MB
健全的教义之夜 WAV
描述 Night Service 是 Sound Doctrine 推出的一款音效丰富的福音音效,可为任何曲目增添音乐性和灵魂。该音源包包含一个出色的人声合奏,可单独使用,也可串联使用,通过简单的操作或拖放即可创建和声与旋律。
-75 个单曲
-77 个循环
Sound Doctrine Night Service WAV
Description: Night Service is a Sound Doctrine release full of all of the rich gospel sounds that can give any track an edge of musicality and soul. This pack contains a great vocal ensemble that can be used individually or in tandem creating harmonies and melodies with easy manipulation or drag and drop.
Take advantage of all the instrumentation available, as well with everything from acoustic piano to organ, synths, and bass guitar. Get access to top-notch gospel playing from our premiere instrumentalists to take any of your projects to the next leve
•75 one shots
•77 loops
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