福音采样包 Sound Doctrine The Soulful Psalmist WAV 音色
WAV | 317MB
简介 Soulful Psalmist 是 Sound Doctrine 推出的一款软件,其灵感来自于福音和灵魂乐中许多伟大的女声独唱者,她们定义了时代,建立了标准,尤其是在未来数年的福音乐中。福音录音艺术家黛博拉-卡罗莱纳(Deborah Carolina)在这套音乐包中的出现,为用户提供了一系列可用于其音乐的声乐时刻。我们的内部乐队用经典的三件式乐器为她伴奏,录制出 70 年代早期的风格。这个音源包包含 15 个原创旋律循环,其中有乐器音源、单曲和鼓循环,充满了复古的音效,你可以利用它来制作永恒的音乐。
Sound Doctrine The Soulful Psalmist WAV
Description: The Soulful Psalmist is a Sound Doctrine release inspired by the many great female solo vocalists in gospel and soul that defined eras and established a standard, especially in gospel for years to come. Gospel recording artist Deborah Carolina is featured on this pack giving users an array of vocal moments to utilize for their tracks. Our in-house band accompanied her with classic three-piece instrumentation recorded in an early ‘70s style. With 15 original melodic loops full of instrument stems, one-shots, and drum loops, this pack is full of vintage sound that you can manipulate to make timeless music.
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