[英文教程] 陷阱音乐制作教程 Udemy Trap Beat Wizardry Fl Studio Mastery Empowered By Chatgpt TUTORIAL

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 使用 ChatGPT 的授权指导制作陷阱音乐”,音乐制作与人工智能的完美结合
使用 FL Studio 工具制作动感十足的陷阱节拍。

用专业的结构编排rap 作品。
利用 ChatGPT 了解创意音乐制作。
使用 ChatGPT 虚拟协作,获取音乐创意。
需要一台电脑才能访问 Fl Studios
通过我们的变革性课程,揭开 Trap Beat 魔法的神秘面纱: “由 ChatGPT 强化的 FL 工作室精通”。在本课程中,你将踏上从新手到大师的旅程,磨练你前所未有的rap音乐制作技能。学习如何巧妙地处理采样,使用合成技术设计复杂的音效,并为你的节拍注入节奏和旋律,让人目不转睛。有了 ChatGPT 作为虚拟向导,你将获得独特的优势,利用人工智能驱动的洞察力来创造性地制作音乐。探索编曲的秘密,用精湛的结构构建rap 作品,无缝整合人声元素来增强你的曲目。深入探索混音和母带处理的奥秘,制作出散发高质量光芒的专业音效。在技术与创意的碰撞中,使用 ChatGPT 进行虚拟协作,交流音乐创意,完善自己的技艺。在本课程结束时,您不仅能熟练掌握 FL Studio,还能将 ChatGPT 培养成您的创作伙伴。无论您是有抱负的制作人还是经验丰富的音乐家,”Trap Beat Wizardry “都能让您借助 FL Studio 的强大功能和 ChatGPT 的独到见解,制作出非凡的r

第 1 部分:通过 ChatGPT 掌握 FL Studio
讲座 1 1. 简介和 FL Studio 概述
讲座 2 2. ChatGPT
第 3 讲 3. 采集鼓声和创建鼓型
第 4 讲 4. 创建所有旋律
第 5 讲 5. 808
第 6 讲 6. 节拍结构(编排节拍)
第 7 讲 7. 节拍混合
第 8 讲 8. 扩展节拍(MP3 和 Trackouts)

第9讲 9. (第二拍)聊天 GPT
第 10 讲 10. 为鼓编程并创建所有旋律(第二拍)
第 11 讲 11. 节拍编排(第二拍)
第 12 讲 12. 节拍混合(第二拍)
第 2 节:Legacy | 如何使用 Chat GPT 在 Logic 上制作 Hip Hop_Trap 节拍
第 13 讲 1. Logic Pro 课程节拍制作简介
讲座 14 2. 聊天 GPT
第 15 讲 4. 添加所有旋律性乐器
第16讲 5.创建所有旋律第一部分
第 17 讲 5. 创建所有旋律第 2 部分
第 18 讲 6.创建鼓型
第19讲 7. 在鼓机设计器中更改声音

第 20 讲 8. 将鼓声导入 Logic pro
第 21 讲 9. 使用步进编曲器创建鼓音型
第 22 讲 10. 使用步进编曲器创建鼓音型 Pt.
第 23 讲 11. 节拍结构(前奏、副歌、乐章、尾声) Pt1
第 24 讲 11. 节拍结构(前奏、副歌、歌词、尾声) Pt2
第 25 讲 12. 混音(解释工作流程、技巧等)
第 26 讲 12. 混音第 2 部分(旋律)第 1 部分
第 27 讲 12. 混音第 2 讲(旋律)第 2 讲
第 28 讲 13. 混音第 3 讲(鼓)第 1 部分
第 29 讲 13. 混音第 3 讲(鼓)第 2 部分
第 30 讲 13. 混音第 3 讲(鼓)第 3 部分
第 31 讲 14. 混音第 4 页(808)
第 32 讲 15. 总结
第 33 讲 16. 最后一次播放节拍
第34讲 17.弹跳和导出文件

第35讲 18.弹跳和导出文件 Pt.
第 36 讲 19. 使用 ChatGPT 制作现场节拍 (Trap Beat) 第 1 讲 (Chat GPT)
第 37 讲 20.Live Beat 制作课程:使用 ChatGPT 制作 Trap Beat 第 2 部分(获取所有声音
第 38 讲 21.Live Beat 制作课程:使用聊天 GPT 制作 Trap Beat 第 1 页
讲座 39 21.Live Beat 制作课程 Trap Beat With Chat GPT pt 2
讲座 40 22.Live Beat 制作课程:Trap Beat With Chat GPT pt 4 (808)
讲座 41 23.Live Beat 制作课程 Trap Beat With Chat GPT pt 5(节拍结构) pt1
第42讲 23.Live Beat 制作课程:Trap Beat With Chat GPT 第5部分(节拍结构)第2部分
第43讲 23.Live Beat 制作课程:Trap Beat With Chat GPT 第5部分(节拍结构)
第44讲 24.Live Beat 制作课程:Trap Beat With Chat GPT 第6部分(混音)
讲座 45 25.现场节拍制作课程:Trap Beat With Chat GPT 第 7 部分(混音第 2 部分)

Udemy Trap Beat Wizardry Fl Studio Mastery Empowered By Chatgpt TUTORIAL
Description: “FL Studio Decoded: Crafting Trap Magic with ChatGPT’s Empowered Guidance” Come Where Music Production Meets AI”
What you’ll learn
Craft dynamic trap beats using FL Studio tools.
Manipulate samples with precision and creativity.
Design unique soundscapes through synthesis techniques.
Arrange trap compositions with expert structure.
Utilize ChatGPT for creative music production insights.
Apply advanced mixing and mastering for professional sound.
Enhance rhythm and groove for impactful beats.
Experiment with effects to add depth and character.
Develop signature sound using innovative production.
Collaborate virtually using ChatGPT for music ideas.
Build a compelling trap beat portfolio with confidence.
Need a computer to be able to access Fl Studios
Unlock the realm of Trap Beat Wizardry through our transformative course: “FL Studio Mastery Empowered by ChatGPT.” Immerse yourself in the art of crafting captivating trap beats while harnessing the unprecedented capabilities of FL Studio and the creative insights of ChatGPT.In this course, you’ll embark on a journey from novice to maestro, honing your skills in trap music production like never before. Learn to manipulate samples with finesse, design intricate soundscapes using synthesis techniques, and infuse your beats with rhythm and groove that demand attention. With ChatGPT as your virtual guide, you’ll gain a unique edge, leveraging AI-powered insights for inventive music production.Discover the secrets of arrangement, as you construct trap compositions with masterful structure, seamlessly integrating vocal elements to enhance your tracks. Dive into the depths of mixing and mastering, achieving a professional sound that radiates quality. Experiment boldly with effects, cultivating signature sounds that set you apart.As technology meets creativity, collaborate virtually using ChatGPT to exchange music ideas and refine your craft. By the end of this course, you’ll have not only mastered FL Studio but also cultivated the ability to wield ChatGPT as your creative accomplice.Whether you’re an aspiring producer or an experienced musician, “Trap Beat Wizardry” empowers you to craft extraordinary trap beats, armed with the prowess of FL Studio and the amplified insights of ChatGPT. Elevate your artistry, build a remarkable portfolio, and step confidently into the world of trap music production.
Section 1: FL Studio Mastery Empowered by ChatGPT
Lecture 1 1. Intro & FL Studio Overview
Lecture 2 2. ChatGPT
Lecture 3 3. PIcking Drum Sounds and creating Drum Patterns
Lecture 4 4. Creating All the melodies
Lecture 5 5. 808
Lecture 6 6. Beat Structure (Arranging The Beat)
Lecture 7 7. Beat Mixing
Lecture 8 8. Expoting the Beat (MP3 & Trackouts)
Lecture 9 9. (2nd Beat) Chat GPT
Lecture 10 10. Program Drums and created all melodes (2nd beat)
Lecture 11 11. Beat Arragement (2nd beat)
Lecture 12 12. Beat Mxing (2nd Beat)
Section 2: Legacy | How To Make A Hip Hop_Trap Beat On Logic With Chat GPT
Lecture 13 1. Introduction Logic Pro course Beat Making
Lecture 14 2. ChatGPT
Lecture 15 4. Adding All The Melodic Instruments
Lecture 16 5. Creating All The melodies part1
Lecture 17 5. Creating All The melodies part2
Lecture 18 6. Creating Drum Patterns
Lecture 19 7. Changing The Sounds In The Drum Machine Designer
Lecture 20 8. Import Drum Sounds into Logic pro
Lecture 21 9. Create Drum Pattern With Step Sequencer
Lecture 22 10. Create Drum Pattern With Step Sequencer Pt. 2
Lecture 23 11. Beat Structure (Intro, Chorus,Verses, Outro) pt1
Lecture 24 11. Beat Structure (Intro, Chorus,Verses, Outro) pt2
Lecture 25 12. Mixing (Explaining Workflow, Tips, ect)
Lecture 26 12. Mixing pt 2 (Melodies) pt1
Lecture 27 12. Mixing pt 2 (Melodies) pt2
Lecture 28 13. Mixing pt 3 (Drums) pt1
Lecture 29 13. Mixing pt 3 (Drums) pt2
Lecture 30 13. Mixing pt 3 (Drums) pt3
Lecture 31 14. Mixing pt 4 (808)
Lecture 32 15. Conclusion
Lecture 33 16. Playing The Beat One Last Time
Lecture 34 17.Bouncing & Exporting The Files
Lecture 35 18.Bouncing & Exporting The Files Pt. 2 Track Out Stems
Lecture 36 19. Live Beat Making session Trap Beat With ChatGPT pt 1 (Chat GPT)
Lecture 37 20.Live Beat Making session Trap Beat With ChatGPT pt 2 (Getting All The Sounds
Lecture 38 21.Live Beat Making session Trap Beat With Chat GPT pt 1
Lecture 39 21.Live Beat Making session Trap Beat With Chat GPT pt 2
Lecture 40 22.Live Beat Making session Trap Beat With Chat GPT pt 4 (808)
Lecture 41 23.Live Beat Making session Trap Beat With Chat GPT pt 5 (beat structure) pt1
Lecture 42 23.Live Beat Making session Trap Beat With Chat GPT pt 5 (beat structure) pt2
Lecture 43 23.Live Beat Making session Trap Beat With Chat GPT pt 5 (beat structure)
Lecture 44 24.Live Beat Making session Trap Beat With Chat GPT pt 6 (mixing)
Lecture 45 25.Live Beat Making session Trap Beat With Chat GPT pt 7 (mixing pt 2)
This course is for everybody, beginners and experts




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