Ableton Live Template | WAV | MiDi | Serum Presets | 147.2MB
- Genre: Dubstep, Trap, Hybrid Trap类型:dubstep,陷阱,混合陷阱
- Software: Ableton, Serum软件:Ableton,血清
- Type: Construction Kits, MIDI Loops, Presets Serum, DAW Templates, Ableton类型:建筑套件,MIDI环,预设血清,DAW模板,Ableton
Hybrid Trap Might混合陷阱可能
Here we go again, bringing the producers of our community the best of the best production resources for you to study and abuse to beef up your production quality and skill. Hybrid Trap Might brings you a chance to see how the professionals create a booming Trap track.在这里,我们再次走,为您的社区生产商带来最好的生产资源中最好的生产资源,以供您学习和虐待,以增强您的生产质量和技巧。混合陷阱可能会给您带来机会,看看专业人士如何创建蓬勃发展的陷阱轨道。
This particular Template was crafted in the key of Em, and in the tempo of 150 BPM as that is usually the tempo that Trap Tracks are written in. This template comes with amazing recourses and elements such as a Ableton project that gives you a detailed look at the arrangement and and over all design of the track, all of the Stems of each element in the project, every Preset used in the Template stems and all of the MIDI files of each stems, which allows you to recreate the template with your own sounds.这个特定的模板是在EM的钥匙中制成的,在150 bpm的速度中,这通常是陷阱轨道写入的节奏。此模板配备了令人惊叹的回复和元素,例如Ableton项目,可为您提供详细的外观在曲目的布置和所有设计中,项目中每个元素的所有词干,模板茎中使用的每个预设以及每个词干的所有MIDI文件,这使您可以自行重新创建模板听起来。
The Ableton project is amazing and a great way to learn the basics of mastering and mix down, as having this template lets you see the mixer so you can study the final master of the template. You can also view what effects we put on elements such as Drums, Synths and FX. You can also substitute the presets we used and samples to change the sound and adjust some mix down and mastering elements to fit said samples. Whatever you need to do to learn the fundamentals is here in this Template!Ableton项目是惊人的,也是学习掌握和混合基础知识的好方法,因为拥有此模板使您可以查看混音器,因此您可以研究模板的最终大师。您还可以查看我们对鼓,合成器和FX等元素的影响。您还可以替换我们使用的预设和样品来更改声音,并调整一些混合和掌握元素以适合所述样品。在此模板中,您需要做的任何事情要学习基础知识!
Check out what all comes in this amazing release!查看这个惊人的版本中的一切!
- 1 Ableton Project
- 13 MIDI Files
- 10 Serum Presets
- 11 Stems
- 100% Royalty Free
System Requirements系统要求
- Ableton 10 (and Higher)Ableton 10(及更高)
- Xfer Serum v 1.209 (and Higher)XFER血清V 1.209(及更高)
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