响度压缩效果器插件 APU Software APU Loudness Compressor v1.8.7 [WiN]
版本 | v1.8.7
Win 10-11 | VST | VST3 | 8MB
说明 APU 响度压缩器插件是一款专为支持现代响度类型(LUFS、真峰值)而设计的压缩器/扩展器。典型的压缩器仅使用有效值和/或峰值作为测量单位。但现在的技术已经有了长足进步,我们也该升级了。
本款压缩器使用现代工业标准的 LUFS 测量单位,响应更加透明,与人类实际体验响度的方式相一致。压缩器的整个信号流就是在对响度的这种更精确理解的基础上运行的。
APU Software APU Loudness Compressor v1.8.7 WiN
Description: The APU Loudness Compressor plug-in is a compressor/expander designed to support modern loudness types (LUFS, True Peak). Typical compressors operate using only RMS and/or Peak units of measurement. But technology has come a long way since then and weÆre overdue for an upgrade..
This compressor uses modern industry standard LUFS units of measurement to provide a far more transparent response which is connected to the way humans actually experience loudness. The entire signal flow of the compressor operates within this more precise understanding of loudness.
The plug-in user interface provides a more flexible alternative to traditional threshold-and-ratio style of compressor controls. Instead, source and target ranges of loudness can be configured and the compressor will either compress or expand as needed.
With learn mode enabled, the compressor will automatically adjust the source or target range to match the source material. This can be a great way to get started with the compressor and can be used as a starting point for further fine-tuning.
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