硬件合成器预设音色 GeoSynths Singularity Vol 3 for Moog One
Moog One | 8MB
说明: GEOSynths 为令人惊叹的 Moog ONE(终极模拟多合成器)带来了第三款 Singularity。所有补丁均从零开始制作,并使用 1、2 甚至全部 3 层进行堆叠和分割。
我只想尽可能制作最好的补丁,让自己大吃一惊,并制作我喜欢演奏的音效……结果,我制作了大量的动感垫、Wiry StringPads、纹理动感音效等。
所有补丁都与固件 1.4(及其他)兼容,并分配了 Mod Wheel、Aftertouch 和 X/Y 控制器。
GeoSynths Singularity Vol 3 for Moog On
Description: GEOSynths is back with the 3rd installment of Singularity for the amazing Moog ONE…the ultimate Analog PolySynth. All patches are made from scratch and utilize 1, 2 or even all 3 Layers for stacks and Splits.
I wanted to just make the best Patches I could, to amaze myself and to make the sort of Sounds I like to play…Turns out, that’s a lot of Motion Pads, Wiry StringPads, textured Motion Sounds and a whole lot more.
All Patches are made to be compatible with Firmware 1.4 (and others) and have Mod Wheel, Aftertouch and X/Y Controllers assigned.
While I say it every time, I really mean it, these are the very best Patches I have made and I look forward to hearing how you use them in your Compositions, Recordings and Live.
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