小提琴采样包 Sonic Collective Celtic Fiddle WAV 音色
WAV | 575MB
简介 这套样本包括一系列由苏格兰多乐器演奏家汉娜-雷德(Hannah Read)创作和演奏的原创曲目。该曲目以凯尔特小提琴为特色,既有苏格兰风格,也有爱尔兰风格。其中既有丰富、大气的音景和慢板,也有活泼的吉格舞和瑞尔舞。其中一些循环包含汉娜的人声旋律和垫子,以及由制作人查尔斯-范-柯克添加的
打击乐和低音。录制时使用了 Coles、Neumann 和 DPA 麦克风以及 AEA 和 Miktek 前置放大器。
Hannah Read 在苏格兰出生长大。她是一位屡获殊荣的多乐器演奏家,擅长小提琴和声乐。汉娜曾在剑桥民谣节(Cambridge Folk Festival)和伦敦爵士音乐节(London Jazz Festival)以及大西洋两岸的其他许多著名场所演出。作为民谣超级组合 “Songs of Separation “的成员,她赢得了 BBC Radio 2 民谣奖的年度最佳专辑奖。查尔斯-范-柯克(Charles Van Kirk)是缅因州的制作人,也是 Splice 的常客。
Sonic Collective Celtic Fiddle WAV
Description: This sample pack includes a range of original pieces composed and performed by Scottish multi-instrumentalist Hannah Read. The feature is Celtic fiddle, both in the Scottish and Irish styles. There are rich, atmospheric soundscapes and slow airs alongside lively jigs and reels. Some of the loops contain vocal melodies and pads from Hannah as well as percussion and bass added by producer Charles Van Kirk. The pack was recorded using Coles, Neumann and DPA microphones into AEA and Miktek preamps.
Hannah Read was born and raised in Scotland. She is an award winning multi-instrumentalist specializing in fiddle and vocals. Hannah has performed at the Cambridge Folk Festival and the London Jazz Festival, among many other prestigious venues on both sides of the Atlantic. As part of the folk supergroup Songs of Separation, she won Album of The Year at the BBC Radio 2 Folk Awards. Charles Van Kirk is a Maine based producer and frequent collaborator with Splice.
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