[英文教程] 臭氧母带教程 Groove3 Ozone 11 Explained TUTORIAL 教学

作者 : admin 本文共4090个字,预计阅读时间需要11分钟 发布时间: 2023-09-7 共488人阅读
英文教程 | MP4 | 413MB
说明 如果你喜欢自己混音或制作母带,你就会知道iZotope的Ozone是功能最齐全的工具之一。在《Ozone 11》视频课程中,制作专家伊莱-克兰兹伯格(Eli Krantzberg)将带你详细了解《Ozone 11》,不放过任何一个细节,并提供大量音乐演示,让你亲眼目睹、亲耳聆听。你将学会如何充分利用各种模块Dynamics、Maximizer、Impact、Clarity等),并在此过程中探索所有参数,从而掌握该软件的全部工作知识,并有信心在自己的作品中有效使用它。这些视频适用于臭氧 11 的新用户。
伊莱在课程中首先介绍了 “母舰”、其功能、主要用途等。这套软件涵盖了广泛的应用范围,因此,先了解一下Ozone 11的范围是很有帮助的。接着,他将介绍全局测光,让你彻底了解你所看到的和如何解释它,以及其他一些功能,如撤消历史记录、通道处理模式等。之后,你将学习均衡器模块,包括新的瞬态/持续通道模式和 delta 功能。

接下来是动态模块,在这里你将了解到关于单段或多段压缩限制的所有知识。随后,Eli 演示了动态均衡器功能,该功能将传统均衡器与基于阈值检测的压缩器风格相结合,将静态均衡器转变为只在需要时增强或削减的主动均衡器。接下来将介绍全新改版的 Maximizer 模块,它现在包含了上行压缩功能,可以增强较安静的素材,同时降低峰值。
在课程的其余部分,还将介绍更多内容,包括 “清晰度”(Clarity)和 “低端聚焦”(Low-End Focus)(去除浑浊等的智能处理)、”冲击”(Impact)(控制微动态)、”稳定器”(Stabilizer)(平衡音调和控制共振)、”成像器”(Imager)(调整立体声宽度等)、”主重新平衡”(Master Rebalance)(智能调整混音成品中的单个元素)、”主助理”(Master Assistant)(人工智能技术,可分析你的混音并建立自定义处理链)等等!
Ozone 11能做的太多了,你很容易就会错过它的许多令人难以置信的功能。看完Ozone 11课程后,你就可以放心地使用这套软件,充分发挥它的潜能,用心对待你的音乐。欲了解更多信息,请参阅《Ozone 11》的视频教程介绍,了解它的所有功能。现在就来观看《Ozone 11详解》!
-使用 “大师助手”,根据对音轨和特定流派目标的分析,快速创建自定义处理链

Groove3 Ozone 11 Explained TUTORIAL
Description: If you’re into mixing or mastering your own music, you know that iZotope’s Ozone is one of the most full-featured tools around. In this Ozone 11 video course, Production expert Eli Krantzberg will take you through Ozone 11 in full detail, leaving no stone unturned and providing plenty of musical demonstrations so you can see and hear it in action. You’ll learn how to make the most of the various modules (Dynamics, Maximizer, Impact, Clarity, etc.) and explore all the parameters in the process, leaving you will a complete working knowledge of the software and the confidence to use it effectively on your own productions. These videos are for new Ozone 11 users.
Eli kicks off the course with an informative overview of “the mothership,” its capabilities, primary uses, and more. This suite covers an expansive range of applications, so it’s helpful up front to know the scope of Ozone 11 up front. Then he moves on to the subject of global metering so you’ll have a thorough understanding of what you’re seeing and how to interpret it, along with some other functions such as the undo history, the channel processing modes, and more. You’ll learn about the Equalizer module after that, including the new transient/sustain channel mode and delta function.
Next up is the Dynamics module, where you’ll discover all you need to know about single- or multi-band compression or limiting. Following that, Eli demonstrates the Dynamic EQ feature, which combines traditional EQ with compressor-style threshold-based detection, turning your static EQ into an active one that only boosts or cuts when needed. The newly revamped Maximizer module is covered next, which now includes upward compression, enabling quieter material to be boosted while also reducing peaks.
There’s a bunch more to come throughout the remainder of the course, including Clarity and Low-End Focus (smart processes for removing muddiness and more), Impact (control of micro dynamics), Stabilizer (tonal balancing and taming resonance), Imager (adjusting stereo width and more), Master Rebalance (intelligently adjusting individual elements in a finished mix), Master Assistant (AI technology that analyzes your mix and builds a custom processing chain), and much more!
With everything Ozone 11 can do, it’s easy to miss a lot of its incredible features. After watching this Ozone 11 course, you can be confident that you’ll be using the suite to its fullest potential and treating your music with the care and attention it deserves. See the individual Ozone 11 video tutorial descriptions for more information and to see a more comprehensive list of everything it can do. Transforming your mixes for the better has never been easier … watch “Ozone 11 Explained«” today!
What You Will Learn:
-Using the various modules to improve clarity, tame harshness, add punch, and reduce muddiness or unwanted resonances quickly and easily
-Understanding the various metering and gain matching options so you’ll know how to interpret what you’re seeing
-How to add additional flavor to your track by way of vintage hardware emulations (Vintage Tape, Vintage Compressor, Vintage Limiter, etc.)
-Using Master Assistant to quickly create a customized processing chain based on the analysis of your track and genre-specific targets
-And much more!



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