[英文教程] 基础乐理入门教学 Udemy Accessible Music Theory Basics For The Absolute Beginner TUTORIAL
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Udemy 无障碍音乐理论基础入门教程
内容简介 这是一门轻松的乐理课程,让您从完全不懂乐理到达到 I 级水平,一步到位。
学习音乐理论可能有些枯燥,但拥有 30 年以上教学经验的钢琴教师卡尔-伊登(Carl Eden)会以轻松有趣的方式带你学习基础知识。在开始学习乐器之前学习一些理论知识,可以分散学习的时间,这样就不至于一下子把所有的东西都学完。您也可以在开始学习乐器的同时学习理论,以加深对乐器的理解。卡尔-伊登的教学内容翔实、风趣、易于掌握。他有真正的教学天赋,我发现自己能够非常容易地吸收课程材料”。克洛伊-吉布森(Chloe Gibson)”卡尔拥有无穷的魅力,他绝对是一个令人愉快的人!他不仅是一位出色的音乐家,还是一位热爱教学的老师!” 彼得-弗莱堡”
Udemy Accessible Music Theory Basics For The Absolute Beginner TUTORIAL
Description: A relaxed music theory course that takes you from knowing absolutely nothing to grade I Level in easy steps.
What you’ll learn
Learn the very basics of music theory up to ABRSM grade one level
Recognise notes and rests and their time values
Understand the basics of harmony by learning about intervals and chords
All the theory you need to begin to learn an instrument
No musical experience necessary
Learning music theory can be a little dry but 30 year+ piano instructor, Carl Eden, takes you through the very basics in a relaxed and entertaining way.In 24 accessible lessons you will learn all you need to know to finally start learning that instrument with confidence or simply to increase your musical knowledge. Learning some theory before you start to learn an instrument can spread out the learning so that you are not trying to cope with everything at once. Or you can learn theory alongside taking your first steps on an instrument for increased understanding.Some quotes about Carl’s teaching from more of his courses:”This course was a delight. Carl Eden’s instructions are informative, funny, and easy to follow. He has a real talent for teaching and I found I was able to absorb the lesson material very easily.” -Chloe Gibson”Carl has a ton of charm and he is an absolute delight! Not only is he a great musician, he is also a teacher who loves to teach!” -Peter Flemburg”Oh Wow. He is so engaging and moves the process along… I’m so excited by this course I can’t even say.” -Susan GuaySo start you lifelong journey today and open up the wonderful world of music!
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2 Download Your Workbook
Section 2: Pitch Notation
Lecture 3 The Stave
Lecture 4 Pitch
Lecture 5 The Grand Staff
Lecture 6 4 Notes of the Grand Staff
Section 3: Rhythm Basics
Lecture 7 5 Beats Crotchets and Quarter Notes
Lecture 8 6 Minims and Semibreves
Lecture 9 7 Bars Bar Lines and Time Signatures
Lecture 10 Other Time Signatures and the Dotted Minim
Section 4: Note Alterations
Lecture 11 Sharps and Flats
Lecture 12 Naturals and Cancellation
Section 5: More on Rhythm
Lecture 13 Quavers or Eighth Notes and their Grouping
Lecture 14 Semiquavers and Their Grouping
Lecture 15 Mixing Quavers and Semiquavers
Lecture 16 Ties
Lecture 17 Dotted Notes
Lecture 18 Rests
Lecture 19 Rests in Practice
Section 6: More on Pitch
Lecture 20 Tones and Semitones
Lecture 21 The Scale of C Major
Lecture 22 The Scales of G, D and F Major
Lecture 23 Tonic Triads
Lecture 24 Intervals
Section 7: Final Words
Lecture 25 Final Words
Anyone interested in learning to play an instrument,Anyone who has a wish to understand how music works

What you’ll learn
Learn the very basics of music theory up to ABRSM grade one level
Recognise notes and rests and their time values
Understand the basics of harmony by learning about intervals and chords
All the theory you need to begin to learn an instrument
No musical experience necessary
Learning music theory can be a little dry but 30 year+ piano instructor, Carl Eden, takes you through the very basics in a relaxed and entertaining way.In 24 accessible lessons you will learn all you need to know to finally start learning that instrument with confidence or simply to increase your musical knowledge. Learning some theory before you start to learn an instrument can spread out the learning so that you are not trying to cope with everything at once. Or you can learn theory alongside taking your first steps on an instrument for increased understanding.Some quotes about Carl’s teaching from more of his courses:”This course was a delight. Carl Eden’s instructions are informative, funny, and easy to follow. He has a real talent for teaching and I found I was able to absorb the lesson material very easily.” -Chloe Gibson”Carl has a ton of charm and he is an absolute delight! Not only is he a great musician, he is also a teacher who loves to teach!” -Peter Flemburg”Oh Wow. He is so engaging and moves the process along… I’m so excited by this course I can’t even say.” -Susan GuaySo start you lifelong journey today and open up the wonderful world of music!
Section 1: Introduction
Lecture 1 Introduction
Lecture 2 Download Your Workbook
Section 2: Pitch Notation
Lecture 3 The Stave
Lecture 4 Pitch
Lecture 5 The Grand Staff
Lecture 6 4 Notes of the Grand Staff
Section 3: Rhythm Basics
Lecture 7 5 Beats Crotchets and Quarter Notes
Lecture 8 6 Minims and Semibreves
Lecture 9 7 Bars Bar Lines and Time Signatures
Lecture 10 Other Time Signatures and the Dotted Minim
Section 4: Note Alterations
Lecture 11 Sharps and Flats
Lecture 12 Naturals and Cancellation
Section 5: More on Rhythm
Lecture 13 Quavers or Eighth Notes and their Grouping
Lecture 14 Semiquavers and Their Grouping
Lecture 15 Mixing Quavers and Semiquavers
Lecture 16 Ties
Lecture 17 Dotted Notes
Lecture 18 Rests
Lecture 19 Rests in Practice
Section 6: More on Pitch
Lecture 20 Tones and Semitones
Lecture 21 The Scale of C Major
Lecture 22 The Scales of G, D and F Major
Lecture 23 Tonic Triads
Lecture 24 Intervals
Section 7: Final Words
Lecture 25 Final Words
Anyone interested in learning to play an instrument,Anyone who has a wish to understand how music works

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