WAV | MiDi | Ableton Drum Racks | 87MB
……:::::: 采样内容 ::::::……
> 3 个 Ableton Drum Racks
> 90 个 Wav loops
> 226 个 Wav one-shots
> 30 个 MIDI files
Authentic analogue drum toolkit for underground techno production. Contains drum loops, one-shots and Ableton Drum Racks to propel your techno beats.
These sounds have been sourced from a slew of classic and contemporary modules to give a fresh spin on hardware-sourced drums. Fusing elements of Detroit, Berlin, Bristol and London, these underground Ableton Drum Racks, loops and one-shots will have techno producers of all persuasions making killer beats in minutes.
Inside you’ll 3 custom Ableton Drum Racks. Each comprehensive Drum Rack comes with 12 pre-mapped one-shots and 8 macro controls such as reverb, echo, noise, pitch, filter and delay. There’s also 8 macros at sample level which allow you to sculpt sounds even more: play with pitch, ADSR, volume, filter and panning.
Each kit comes with 10 MIDI drum grooves to kick-start your drum programming in the right direction.
There’s also a total of 90 drum loops in Wav format which are ready to fire up your next track as well as an extensive selection of one-shots divided into sub-folders of kicks, claps, hats, snares, percussion, rim shots, toms and cymbals.
All our audio samples, presets and MIDI files are 100% royalty-free and can be used in your own productions, releases or compilations as you wish.
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