UVI Soundbank | 4.08GB
软件下载地址 – http://pluginsbase.com/18923.html
120 多扇门和 170 多个嘎吱声、把手、门锁等子层
Unlock 是一款灵活易用的音效设计工具,能为您提供所需的一切,让您为几乎各种尺寸、结构和环境的门制作出极其细腻逼真的开门、关门和敲击声。Unlock 拥有庞大的样本库和专业录制的样本,可提供大量的门声和辅助音效,如嘎吱声、吱吱声、门锁声、把手声、滑动声和滚动声、空气声、金属声、拖曳声、钟声、玻璃声和木质声,这些音效可以分层、调整并通过特效最终完成,为您的制作创造完美的音效。
UVI Soundbank Unlock v1.0.0
Open & Shut Foley Designer
Creative door foley designer for film, video, and post-production
120+ doors, and 170+ sub-layers of creaks, handles, locks and more
Powerful effects section with extensive IRs to match most environments
Unlock delivers a flexible and easy-to-use sound design tool giving you everything you need to create incredibly detailed and realistic open, shut, and knocking sounds for doors of nearly every size, build, and environment. With a massive library or professionally recorded samples, Unlock delivers an epic collection of door and auxiliary sounds such as creaks, squeaks, locks, handles, sliding and rolling, air, metal, drag, bells, glass, and wood, which can be layered, tweaked, and finalized with effects to create the perfect sound for your production.
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