UVI Soundbank | 211.3MB
软件下载地址 – http://pluginsbase.com/18923.html
利用 100 种由 eurorack 采样制作的音效扩展 Falcon
Falcon 的深度编辑功能允许无限定制
通过 100 种 Falcon 预置,探索软件半模块化与硬件模块化的结合,包括低音、琶音、序列、鼓等。Modular Noise 是对特色音效设计的狂热探索,它提供了多种多样、鼓舞人心的补丁,可让您的制作进入新的音效领域,包括模拟滤波器、等离子失真、波形文件夹以及 Falcon 自带的振荡器、效果器、调制器和脚本工具箱。
UVI Falcon Expansion Modular Noise v1.0.0
Hardware Modular Explorations
Expand Falcon with 100 sounds created from eurorack samples
Tweak and perform on-the-fly with macro controls
Deep editing capabilities of Falcon allow limitless customization
Explore the amalgamation of software semi-modular and hardware modular with 100 Falcon presets covering Bass, Arps, Sequences, Drums and more. A torrid exploration of charactered sound design, Modular Noise delivers a diverse and inspiring range of patches ready to take your productions into new sonic territory with the uncompromising sound of analog filters, plasma distortion, wavefolders, and Falcon’s own deep toolbox of oscillators, effects, modulators, and scripts.
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