创意弹拨乐器音源 Soundiron Hopkin Instrumentarium Weighted Strings KONTAKT 编曲音色库 暂无演示

创意弹拨乐器音源 Soundiron Hopkin Instrumentarium Weighted Strings KONTAKT 编曲音色库

¥8.8 金币
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    KONTAKT | 17.77GB

    配重琴弦是乐器发明大师巴特-霍普金(Bart Hopkin)为客户量身定制的两款令人惊叹的作品: 配重琴和配重筝。这些手工制作的实验性乐器利用琴弦上的小砝码改变泛音关系,创造出不同寻常的美妙音色。它们由木材和金属制成,具有丰富的声学本质,每个拨动的音符都能发出明亮的回声

    Lyre 有 17 根主弦,还有三根额外的弦,它们分布在狭窄的琴颈上,可以拨弦。琵琶弦上的配重经过精心设计,能突出八度泛音。古筝有 34 根半音阶调音的主弦。与 Lyre 不同的是,这些琴弦上的配重并不是为了发出任何特定的泛音。因此,泛音配方具有高度的非谐调性和随机性,每根弦都不尽相同,音质也高度非谐调。

    我们使用三个立体声麦克风位置,忠实采样了这些乐器所能发出的所有有趣音色: 近距离、室内和接触式。此外,我们还提供了多种自定义特效预置和大量标志性的环境音效内容,这些内容均从原始声源中提取,让您可以完全自由地进行创作。

    Kontakt 界面包含一整套可自动化的声音塑造控制,为您提供完全的创作灵活性。您可以控制膨胀、攻击、释放、偏移、颤音、滤波器、音高(粗调和细调)、衔接切换、交叉淡入淡出和分层等。

    该音色库配有一个可调整的 LFO 系统,可选择 LFO 形状、调制目标参数、速度、强度、节奏同步和淡入时间。您还可以应用 12 种低通滤波器、高通滤波器和 FX 滤波器,并可分配调制目标,如速度、调制轮、表情、触后、按键位置和步进序列表控制。我们的可定制琶音器提供速度表,并可控制琶音方向、定时、摆动、随机化和持续时间。我们还加入了音键和音阶锁定系统,可将音符限制在常用音阶和音键上,方便旋律创作和现场演奏。

    我们的模块化效果器机架面板为界面锦上添花,其中包含 27 种不同的 DSP 效果模块,您可以将它们按任意顺序分配到 8 个可用插槽中的任意一个。你会发现经典的相位器、镶边、延迟、失真、放大器和音箱模拟器、压缩器、均衡器、旋转器等等。混响效果包括我们最喜欢的卷积混响脉冲响应,包括 99 种不同的房间、大厅、腔室和室外环境,以及另外 40 种自定义 FX 脉冲,可从根本上改变声音,为音乐开辟全新的可能性世界。我们还添加了一组出色的特效机架链工厂预置,让您轻松上手!产品规格
    – 三种麦克风位置的配重琴弦和古筝拨弦、滑音、和声、SFX: 近距离、室内、接触
    – 根据源内容制作的 20 个环境垫和不断变化的无人声
    – 22 种强大的 Kontakt .nki 乐器预置
    – 9,204 个未锁定 .WAV 格式的立体声采样
    – 安装容量为 23.4 GB

    该库专为 Native Instruments Kontakt 6.2.2 或更高版本的完整零售版本设计!
    Soundiron Hopkin Instrumentarium: Weighted Strings KONTAKT- 17,77 GB
    Weighted Strings is a set of two amazing custom creations from the mind of master instrument inventor Bart Hopkin: The Weighted Lyre and Weighted Zither. These handcrafted experimental instruments use small weights on the strings to alter overtone relationships and create unusual, beautiful sounds. Made of wood and metal, they have a richly acoustic essence that resounds brightly through each plucked note.

    The Lyre has 17 main strings, as well as three additional strings that run over a narrow neck and can be fretted. The weights on the Lyre strings are carefully placed to prominently bring out an octave overtone. The Zither has 34 chromatically tuned main strings. Unlike the Lyre, the weights on these strings are not placed to bring out any particular overtones. As a result, the overtone recipes are highly inharmonic and random, varying from string to string, with highly inharmonic tone qualities.

    We’ve faithfully sampled every interesting sound we could get out of these instruments, with three stereo mic positions: Close, Room, & Contact. We’ve also included a wide selection of custom FX presets and plenty of our signature sound-designed ambient content, crafted from the raw acoustic source to give you complete creative freedom.

    The Kontakt interface includes a suite of automation-ready sound-shaping controls to give you total creative flexibility. You have control over swell, attack, release, offset, vibrato, filter, pitch (coarse & fine), articulation switching, cross-fading and layering, and so much more.

    This library comes with an adaptable LFO system, with selectable LFO shape, modulation target parameter, speed, intensity, tempo-syncing and fade-in time. You can also apply your choice of 12 lowpass, high-pass and FX filters, with assignable modulation targets such as velocity, modwheel, expression, after-touch, key position and step-sequencer table control. Our customizable arpeggiator offers a velocity table and control over arp direction, timing, swing, randomization and duration. We’ve included a key and scale lock system to constrain your notes to common scales and keys for easy melodic composition and live performance.

    The interface is rounded-out by our modular FX rack panel, with 27 different DSP effect modules that you can assign in any of 8 available slots, in any order that you wish. You’ll find classic phaser, flanger, delay, distortion, amp and cab simulators, compressors, EQ, rotator and so much more. The Reverb effect includes our favorite convolution reverb impulse responses, including 99 different rooms, halls, chambers and outdoor environments, plus another 40 custom FX impulses to radically transform the sound and open up whole new worlds of musical possibility. We’ve added a great bank of FX rack chain factory presets to get you started!

    – Weighted Lyre & Zither plucks, glisses, harmonics, SFX in three mic positions: Close, Room, Contact
    – 20 ambient pads and evolving drones created from the source content
    – 22 Powerful Kontakt .nki instrument presets
    – 9,204 stereo samples in unlocked .WAV format
    – 23.4 GB Installed
    This library is designed for the FULL retail version of Native Instruments Kontakt 6.2.2 or later!


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