创意木马林巴琴音源 Soundiron Hopkin Instrumentarium Woodentines KONTAKT 编曲音色库 暂无演示

创意木马林巴琴音源 Soundiron Hopkin Instrumentarium Woodentines KONTAKT 编曲音色库

¥8.8 金币
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    KONTAKT | 1.46GB


    Woodentines 是一款表达性的木质拉槽琴组合,具有清脆而沉重的水木质感,温暖而明亮地闪耀着。它提供了丰富多样的音乐颜色调色板,带有直观的层次混合、滤波和定制音效,激发您的创造力。

    Woodentines 是由大师级乐器发明家 Bart Hopkin 设计的一系列细腻而有表现力的木质拉槽琴。它包括 3 个形状和机械结构各不相同的独特乐器,但它们都散发出一种清脆而又沉重的水木质感。其中包括竹木拉槽琴、大型木质卡林巴和 Woodkal,还有一个名为 Piezo Tongues 的特别奖励乐器。

    我们包含了一系列可演奏的装饰音及多个麦克风/通道选项,让您享有完全的自由。而且按照 Soundiron 一贯的传统,我们还加入了经过音效设计的纹理、垫音和音调,将这一概念超越了物质来源,进入了纯粹的想象空间。它们可以与自然的声学装饰音一起演奏、叠加、调制和混合,产生无尽的新声音组合。这个系列为您提供了广泛而灵活的音乐颜色调色板,并配备了易于使用的层次混合、表演工具和特殊效果,激发您的创造力。

    Bamboo Idiomount 是一个圆形的、类似于木琴的碗形乐器,带有空洞的共振腔和两排相对的竹质刺。它具有清脆、丰富和粗糙的音质。它包括 3 个立体声麦克风位置:内部、近距离和室内。它包括弹奏音符和敲击侧面的装饰音。

    Big Wooden Kalimba,也称为 Wooden Idiomount,是一个由大型木制音板构成的全音阶乐器,音板横跨在一个大的梯形腔体中。它具有丰美而梦幻的音色,低音深沉。它包括 2 个立体声麦克风位置:近距离和室内。它包括了在音板上指弹和敲击的音符,以及敲击、敲击和滑音效果。

    Woodkal,也被称为 Small Wood K,是一个由薄、扁平的木质音板构成的三个八度音阶,桥接到一个空心的不规则五边形共鸣腔体上。它具有紧凑而丰富的音色,富有宽敞的开放感和丰富的低音。它包括 2 个立体声麦克风位置:近距离和室内。它包括指弹音。

    Piezo Tongues 是一种不寻常的电乐器,由夹持一排共振频率为特定频率的压电胶带条的木块组成。每个胶条也可作为自己的传感器。当弹奏时,它们会产生干燥、活泼的“fwip”或“pop”声,具有独特的音高。这种乐器几乎听起来像是一个音乐玩具枪合奏。


    – 6 个主预设和 20 个定制的音效和环境预设
    – 4 个独特的手工制作的木质拉槽琴,每个具有 2 个麦克风位置
    – 敲击敲击效果、滑音和额外的环境效果、垫音和低音
    – 10,280 个立体声样本
    – 已安装 1.50 GB
    – 24 位、48 kHz 立体声无损 NCW 格式的 Kontakt 预设
    – 20 个定制的音效和环境预设
    – 灵活直观的多层用户界面控制,带有 LFO、滤波器、滑音和琶音器。
    – 完整的音效架与具有定制房间、大厅、腔体和音效环境的卷积混响
    – 需要 Kontakt 6.1.1+
    Soundiron Hopkin Instrumentarium Woodentines KONTAKT
    Woodentines is an expressive set of wooden lamellaphones featuring a crisp and yet ponderously watery wooden essence that shines warmly. It offers a flexible palette of musical colors with intuitive layer mixing, filters and custom FX to spark your creativity.
    Woodentines is a nuanced and expressive selection of wooden lamellaphones by master instrument inventor Bart Hopkin. Featuring 3 unique instruments with wildly different shapes and mechanics, the same crisp and yet ponderously watery wooden essence shines warmly through each one. It includes the Bamboo Idiomount, Big Wooden Kalimba and Woodkal, plus a special bonus instrument called Piezo Tongues.

    We’ve included a range of playable articulations and multiple microphone/channel options to give you complete freedom. And in classic Soundiron tradition, we’ve also included sound-designed textures, pads and tones that take the concept beyond its material source and into the realm of pure imagination. They can be played, layered, modulated and blended along with the natural acoustic articulations to achieve and endless array of new sonic combinations. This collection offers you a broad, flexible palette of musical colors and comes equipped with easy-to-use layer mixing, performance tools and special effects to spark your creativity.

    Bamboo Idiomount is a round mbira-like bowl instrument with a hollow resonator cavity and two opposing rows of bamboo tines. It has a crisp, rich and raspy quality. It features 3 stereo mic positions: internal, close and room. It includes plucked notes and a percussive side slap articulation.

    Big Wooden Kalimba, also known as the Wooden Idiomount, is a chromatic scale of large wooden tongues bridged over a large trapezoidal chamber. It has a lush and dreamy tone with deep bass. It features 2 stereo mic positions: close and room. It includes finger pluck and stick tap chromatic notes on the tongues, plus percussive taps, knocks and gliss effects.

    The Woodkal, also known as Small Wood K, is a 3-octave scale of thin, flat wooden tongues bridged to a hollow irregular pentagonal resonance chamber. It has a tight, raspy pluck sound with a spacious openness and rich low end. It features 2 stereo mic positions: close and room. It includes finger plucks.

    Piezo Tongues is an unusual electric instrument comprised of wooden blocks that clamp a rank of piezoelectric tape strips, each cut to vibrate at a specific frequency to create a chromatic scale. Each strip also acts as its own transducer. When played by plucking, they produce a dry, brisk “fwip” or “pop” in a distinct musical pitch. The instrument sounds almost like a musical pop-gun ensemble.

    We’ve faithfully sampled tine plucks and percussive hand slaps on the instrument bodies, with two stereo mic positions. Also included is a wide selection of custom FX presets and plenty of our signature sound designed ambient content, crafted from the raw acoustic source to give you complete creative freedom.

    – 6 Master presets and 20 Custom Sound-Designed FX and Ambient presets
    – 4 Unique Hand-crafted wooden lamellophones each with 2 mic positions
    – Percussive knock effects, glisses and bonus ambient effects, pads and drones
    – 10,280 Stereo Samples
    – 1.50 GB Installed
    – 24-bit, 48 kHz Stereo Lossless NCW Format for Kontakt presets
    – 20 custom sound designed FX and ambient presets
    – Flexible and intuitive multi-layer user interface controls, with LFO, filter, glide, and arpeggiator.
    – Full FX rack with convolution reverb with custom rooms, halls, chambers & FX environments
    Requires Kontakt 6.1.1+


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