压缩效果器插件 Acustica Audio Opal Comp 2024 [WiN+MAC]

作者 : admin 本文共3410个字,预计阅读时间需要9分钟 发布时间: 2024-01-15 共348人阅读

版本 | 2024
Win 10-11 | AAX | VST | VST3 | 91MB
Mac10.15-13.X | AAX | AU | VST | VST3 | 134MB

Opal Comp 是一款集 John Oram 压缩技术之大成的全能插件。

Opal Comp 无疑是压缩技术的新前沿,代表了新旧技术的最佳结合,汲取了英国最著名的设计师之一 John Oram 先生的专业知识。这款双单声道插件有 VST、VST3、AAX 和 AU 四种格式,经过忠实采样,是 John Oram 的最佳高品质动态处理器之一,多年来已被包括传奇人物 Al Schmitt 在内的众多业内专业人士选用。

完美融合: 融合两种技术,实现卓越效果
Opal Comp 的目标是提供精密压缩器/限制器的精髓,与所有 Oram 产品一样,它在英国制造,并以极高的标准和耐用性为基础,采用 Sonicomp 压缩器技术。这款精密限幅器/压缩器与著名的 “Oram Sonics Sonicomp 2 “具有相同的音效,并通过使用 Acustica 的 Hyper 3 技术增强了音效。

Opal Comp 插件和它的兄弟 Oram Sonics Sonicomp 2 硬件一样,具有用于电平降低和增益的高质量校准 VU 表、”混合 “光固耦合设计、前馈压缩模式和额外的控制,确保了插件的最大通用性。

Opal Comp 的性能如何?
它听起来就像 Oram,令人叹为观止。这款设备的音乐性确实令人惊叹。它的特点是声音非常平滑、安静。混合压缩技术的存在使该插件的音效独一无二。这种神奇的效果是通过复古式光学系统实现的,该系统在压缩阈值处具有柔和、圆润的膝部,而固态级则具有瞬间处理峰值控制的能力。当需要更精细的控制时(例如,在最终混音的情况下),光学控制会透明地管理峰值偏移,轻柔地压缩节目的平均电平以缩小动态范围,为输出增益提升做好准备。与此同时,固态舞台能够即时控制峰值。

John Oram 是电子音乐界的传奇人物,他的设计曾获得 23 项卓越技术与创意奖提名。作为音乐家、制作人、巡回演出手、混音和技术工程师,他的创造才能使他从 60 年代初开始就与一些最重要的乐队和音频公司合作,包括披头士、滚石乐队、Vox 和 Trident Audio。他是设计 Wah-Wah、The Fuzz Box 和 Continental Organ 的 Vox 团队成员,并参与了 VOX AC50 和 Super Beatle 放大器的电路设计。

Opal Comp is John Oram’s compression expertise together in an all-encompassing plugin.

Opal Comp is undoubtedly the new frontier of compression, representing the best possible combination of old and new, drawing from the expertise of one of the most renowned British designers, Mr. John Oram. This dual-mono plugin, available in VST, VST3, AAX, and AU formats, has been faithfully sampled to offer one of the best high-quality dynamic processors from the esteemed John Oram, chosen over the years by many industry professionals, including the legendary Al Schmitt.

The Perfect Blend: Merging Two Technologies for Superior Results
Opal Comp aims to deliver the essence of the precision compressors/limiters, manufactured in England and built to extremely high standards and durability, as with all Oram products, and is based on the Sonicomp compressor technology. This precision limiter/compressor provides the same vibes of the renowned ‘Oram Sonics Sonicomp 2’ and enhances them through the use of Acustica’s Hyper 3 technology.

The Opal Comp plugin, like its bigger sibling the Oram Sonics Sonicomp 2 hardware, features a high-quality calibrated VU meter for level reduction and gain, a ‘hybrid’ optical-solid-state design, a feed-forward compression mode, and extra controls that ensure maximum versatility for the plugin, all in a pleasing
pastel blue color, preserving the aesthetics of the original units in the digital domain.

How does Opal Comp perform?
It sounds just like an Oram, in a truly astonishing way. The musicality of this device is truly stunning. It is characterized by a very smooth and quiet sound. The presence of hybrid compression makes the plugin’s sound truly unique. This magic is achieved through the vintage-style optical system with a soft, round knee at the compression threshold and a solid-state stage with its ability to instantly handle peak control. When a finer control is required (e.g., in a final mix situation), the optical control transparently manages peak excursions, gently compressing the program’s average level to reduce dynamic range, ready for an output gain boost. Meanwhile, the solid-state stage, with its ability to take control of peaks instantly.

About John Oram
John Oram is a legendary name in the electronic musical industry, whose designs have been nominated for 23 Technical Excellence & Creativity Awards. His creative talents as a musician, producer, touring drummer, mixing and technical engineer have lead him to work with some of the most important bands and audio companies from the early 60s onward, including the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, Vox and Trident Audio. He was part of the Vox team that designed the Wah-Wah, The Fuzz Box and Continental Organ, leading to the circuitry design for the VOX AC50 and the Super Beatle amplifiers.





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