版本 | v4.5.0
Win 10-11 | AAX | VST | VST3 | 130MB
Mac10.15-13.X | AAX | AU | VST | VST3 | 3.02GB
使用 Neutron 4,您可以在保持流动的同时更智能、更快地混合。八个强大的插件通过 AI 辅助技术结合功能,打造您的现代智能混音体验。
Neutron心爱的Mix Assistant现已现代化为新的Assistant View,这是您的智能控制中心,可快速产生个性化的结果。
iZotope Neutron 4 v4.5.0
With Neutron 4 you can mix smarter and faster while staying in your flow. Eight powerful plug-ins combine powers through AI assistive technology to create your modern and intelligent mixing experience.
What’s New in Neutron 4?
Assistant View
Neutron’s beloved Mix Assistant is now modernized into the new Assistant View, your intelligent control center that produces fast, personalized results.
Make Space.
The new Unmask Module discovers and fixes masking issues for you, enabling you to reach new levels of clarity. Make space between two competing tracks, balancing your bass and kick or allowing vocals to shine over your mix.
Distort Responsibly. Or Not.
A slice of iZotope fan favorite, Trash, is now in Neutron 4. Distort and destroy sound with Trash Mode and dial in specific extremes with the Tone Slider and Tame button. Explore the boundaries of weird and wild.
Punch it up.
Make an impact using the new Punch Mode to control and visualize how hard your sounds hit. Add more thump, punch or snap to breathe life into vocals, percussion, bass, and more.
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