后期综合效果器插件 W.A.Production KSHMR Essentials v1.2.0 [WiN+MAC] 暂无演示

后期综合效果器插件 W.A.Production KSHMR Essentials v1.2.0 [WiN+MAC]

¥12.8 金币
  • 普通用户购买价格 : 12.8金币
  • SVIP会员购买价格 :0金币
  • 终身SVIP购买价格 : 免费
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  • Windows+MacOSX
  • 版本稳定好用


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  • 版本 | WiN-v1.0.1| MAC-1.2.0
    Win 10-11 | VST | VST3 | 21MB
    Mac10.15-13.X | AU | VST | VST3 | 18.9MB








    人声处理可能是音乐制作中最耗时的部分之一。KSHMR Essentials让这项棘手的任务变得更快,配备了8个模块,可调节闩门、音色、清晰度、空气、压缩、压力、扩展和胶合。无论您的歌手有多棒,您都需要消除咽喉音和室内杂音,因此需要使用初始的噪音闩门旋钮。然后通过音色控制塑造歌手表现的音调,音色增加分量,清晰度提高定义度,空气增添金光。接下来,压缩动态范围,使您的人声在混音中有所凸显。多频段压缩由压力模块处理,然后通过扩展和胶合控制创造宽广的立体声音景,并通过微妙的饱和和推动来增添音效。



    – KSHMR设计的插件
    – 艺术家设计的模块路由
    – 用于低音、鼓、踢鼓、合成器、人声等的处理链
    – 注重易用性
    – 自动增益和限幅控制
    – 灵活的视觉反馈,包括左/右、中/侧监视
    – 响应灵敏,友好使用CPU
    – 工厂预设
    – 完整的PDF手册和教程视频
    W.A.Production KSHMR Essentials v1.2.0 U2B Mac [MORiA]| December, 29 | AU | VST | VST3 | 18.2 MB
    Constructed by world famous DJ, musician and record producer KSHMR, this specially designed artist plugin puts an award-winning professional’s favourite signal chains at your fingertips. Ease-of-use is the priority with each module featuring just a single dial and all of the complex processing and settings kept behind the scenes. KSHMR knows what sounds great and keeps things simple with an essential plugin that can push out professional-grade audio with just a few clicks. Achieving a stadium-ready sound has never been so easy!

    With many included presets, it’s simple to find the perfect start for your own sound shaping. KSHMR has personally curated these jumping-off points so it’s easy to click through and audition his personal favourites. There are specifically designed presets dedicated to bass, drums, kick, keys, synths and vocals

    The main focus of most tracks, you need a bassline that fills dancefloors and this plugin does exactly that. 8 modules for Harmonics, Fuzz, Pressure, Excite, Sub, Side Cut, Width and Compression combine to give your low end all the punch and power that’s needed to stand out from the crowd. The first step in the chain adds upper Harmonics to define the bass, especially useful for translation on smaller sound systems. Next up, Fuzz introduces a layer of shaped distortion. Multiband compression is handled by the Pressure module and then fed into the Exciter for top-end fizz and saturation. Set the Sub dial to the root key of your track to generate a subtle sub-bass layer. The Side Cut control brings tight definition to the centre channel, or push it wider with the Width module before feeding it into a final Compressor to glue everything together.

    With 8 flexible modules, suitable for all types of drums, you can quickly shape percussion so that it leaps from the speakers. Air, Body, Details, Pressure, Transients, Tape saturation, Width and Glue combine to bring rhythm sections to life. The first two modules, Air and Body give sheen and weight to the sound. Raise the volume of quieter percussion elements with the Detail control and add designed multiband compression with the Pressure dial. Make your hits smack harder by increasing the Transient level before pushing up the analogue warmth with Tape saturation. The Width module defines the stereo field before feeding into a Glue compressor.

    Dedicating an entire bank of modules just to kick processing, shows how much effort goes into KSHMR’s individual drum tracks. With 8 controls for Sub bass, Mid, Air, Transients, Tape saturation, Pressure, Compression and Width, you can say goodbye to flabby kicks and easily dial in a tight and defined sound. The initial sub frequency generator adds more low end, once you’ve set up the key of the kick drum. Concentrate the Mid signal with the next control before adding sheen to the upper frequencies with the Air dial. Next up, Transient shaping boosts the initial hit of the kick whilst the Tape module can be set from subtle saturation to full on distortion. The Pressure module handles the specially tailored multiband compression before feeding the signal to a regular Compressor for smooth processing. Lastly, use the Width control to bring your kick to the centre or push it out wide.

    To get hands in the air you need a sick synth line and this plugin knows how to push people’s buttons. The 8 modules here are designed for sparkling stereo processing with Body, Presence, Air, Exciter, Details, Pressure, Expand and Glue. The top line of controls define the frequencies and harmonics of the synths, with Body pumping the low and mid-range, Presence applying a magic EQ curve to minimise muddiness, Air adding top-end sparkle and the Exciter for saturated upper harmonics. Next up, Details emphasises the subtlety of your synth line which is then fed into the multiband compression of the Pressure module. Generous use of the Expand dial will push your audio around the stereo field and finally the Glue compressor gives everything a cohesive feel.

    Processing vocals can be one of the most time consuming parts of music production. KSHMR Essentials makes this tricky task much faster with 8 modules to dial in Gate, Body, Clarity, Air, Compression, Pressure, Spread and Glue. However great your vocalist, you’ll need to eliminate rogue breaths and room noises so use the initial noise Gate dial for this. Then shape the tone of your singer’s performance with Body for weight, Clarity for definition and Air for sparkle. Next, squash the dynamics so that your vocal cuts through the mix with the Comp control. Multiband compression is handled by the Pressure module before creating a wide stereo soundscape with Spread and adding subtle saturation and drive with the Glue control.

    Visual Feedback
    The processed audio can be selected as a waveform or frequency display at the top of the interface. This real-time feedback makes it easy to see exactly what’s happening to your audio with left, right, mid and side monitoring or playback modes.

    Auto-Gain and Clip
    These two controls mean that however hard you drive the plugin, all of your changes can be automatically volume matched. Auto-gain can be set from -12 to +12 db and will maintain a constant output volume so you can accurately compare before and after processing. Use the Clipper controls to drive the signal into a soft clipper with variable parameters, maintaining the dynamics of the outgoing signal.

    – KSHMR designed plugin
    – Artist-designed module routing
    – Processing chains for Bass, Drums, Kick, Synths, Vocals and more
    – Focus on easy operation
    – Auto-gain and Clipping controls
    – Flexible visual feedback with L/R M/S auditioning
    – Responsive & CPU friendly
    – Factory presets
    – Full PDF Manual & Tutorial video


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