WAV | 526MB
“Love me. “是一段充满迷人旋律和rap/hip-hop 音乐灵感的旅程。该音效库完美利用了大气音效,可用于任何类型的音乐。扭曲的和弦和独特的音效在这个音效包中随处可见,令人耳目一新。
Origin Sound love me. – rnb vibes and soul WAV
“Love me.” is a journey into captivating melodies and trap/hip-hop inspired grooves. This sound library harnesses atmospheric sonics perfectly, ready to use in any genre. Warped chords and unique sounds to pique your ear are sprinkled all over this pack.
Sound design, emotive melodies, professional song writing and knocking drums are all here for the taking, flick through and you’re bound to find your next favourite sample.
321 Samples
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