来自索非亚会议录音室的巴尔干地区正宗民族乐团通过高端录音设备tcustom卷积revero A11表演录制并关闭了两个麦克风位置,并在大厅演奏,并特别注意可播放和易于使用的贴片。wa> HE IOLWITOL EAPTEPPLOIOILIE OV1V>
巴尔干地区超过4e名优秀的民族民俗独奏家(风琴,弓弦和铜管乐器,声乐四重奏和打击乐独奏者),并带有各种装饰性的长音和长音,包括多张True Legato录音
真正的复音连奏民族四重唱合唱团,以三种不同的速度为10个音节提供敏捷连奏,为所有音阶提供特殊的“摇动”延音演唱,以及来自下一代合唱团系列的Syllabuilder版本3 Ful1深入采样的巴尔干铜管乐队特别打击乐部分,具有民族特色使用X3M打击乐引擎的打击乐演奏者,该打击乐由BALKAN的录音创建,并由Native Instrument的免费Kontakt播放器提供支持,并与Nks兼容
A complete Ethnic Orchestra at your fingertips! Featuring a great deal of never before sampled instruments and inspirational colours, this comprehensive collection grants you access to the finest folklore soloists from the Balkans.
About BALKAN Ethnic Orchestra
BALKAN Ethnic Orchestra is a highly unique and fresh sounding collection giving you access to a huge amount of Eastern European soloists. Balkan Ethnic Orchestra includes everything you need to write authentic eastern european Balkan music. From expressively playable folklore instruments and the infamous balkan brass sound to an ethnic vocal quartet and solo percussion. It’s all right at your fingertips.
Every instrument inside this collection was recorded with the same attention to detail than our other libraries, featuring multiple mic positions, different short and long articulations, expressive phrases, true polyphonic legato and various ensemble sizes. Recorded at Sofia Session Studio using high-end recording equipement and the same approach towards liveliness and realism as our Next Generation Choir Series, Balkan Ethnic Orchestra provides inspiration from the roots.
Authentic Ethnic Orchestra from the Balkan region recorded in Sofia Session Studio
Two microphone positions close and hall recorded through high-end recording
equipement + custom convolution reverb
All performances combined in playable and easy to use patches with special attention
towards the natural expression of the soloist
Over 40 of the finest Ethnic Folklore Soloists from the Balkans (Wind, Bowed and
Plucked String and Brass Instruments, Vocal Quartet and Percussion Soloists) with
various ornamented short and long articulations including multiple True Legato
True Polyphonic Legato Ethnic Quartet Choir featuring Agile Legato for 10 syllables
in three different speeds, special layer of ‘shake’ sustain singing for all patches
and the Syllabuilder Version 3 from the Next Generation Choir Series
Full deeply sampled Balkan Brass Band
Special percussion section featuring Ethnic Percussion Players using the X3M
Percussion Engine
Organic Futuristic and Fantasy Pads created from the recordings of BALKAN
Powered by Native Instrument’s free Kontakt Player and NKS compatible
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