WAV | 370 MB
216个 Vocal Loops
180个 Vocal One Shots
FJØRA被Rolling Stone称为“值得关注的困扰艺术家”,是一位开创性的艺术家,制作人,词曲作者和作曲家。FJØRA在多伦多长大,周围充满爵士乐,世界各地的乐器,古典作品和好莱坞电影,在她十几岁和20多岁的时候,她正在为电影评分并在纳什维尔的Belmont U取得商业音乐,作曲和编曲硕士学位。 ,田纳西州,然后是纽约大学音乐作曲(电影评分)博士学位。
As described in our Terms of Use, you may not use FJØRA’s name, image or likeness without FJØRA’s express written permission.
FJØRA UltraVox brings video game drip, top 40 drops, light and dark waves, cinemetronic dreams on the electric dance floor (in the club…or in your bedroom) offering a pool of vocal hooks for all your ultra-pop needs.
Called “a haunting artist to watch” by Rolling Stone, FJØRA is a ground-breaking artist, producer, songwriter and composer. Growing up in Toronto surrounded by the sounds of jazz, instruments from around the world, classical compositions and Hollywood films, by her teens and early 20s, FJØRA was scoring films and completing her Masters in Commercial Music, Composition and Arranging at Belmont U in Nashville, TN followed by a PhD in Music Composition (Film Scoring) at NYU.
FJØRA UltraVox is an inspiring collection of vocals epitomizing FJØRA’s unique personal style. A huge collection of vocal loops and one-shots including vocal hooks, playful ad libs, pitched and chopped vocals which have been lovingly processed, ready to drop into your production or inspire new creations. High quality dry versions allow you to twist and process the vocals in any way you can imagine.
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