版本 | v2.0.3
Win 10-11 | AAX | VST3 | 11MB
Mac11.x-14.X | AU | VST | VST3 | 31MB
Quantum 2772 Evolution 是一款真正的算法立体声混响器,其灵感来源于传奇的德国室内模拟器算法,并首次以插件格式提供。
Quantum 2772 Evolution 混响算法与其他混响模拟器有着本质区别,具有无与伦比的真实感和深度。
Savant Audio Labs Quantum 2772 Evolution v1.0.3
The Quantum 2772 Evolution is a true algorithmic stereo reverb, inspired by the legendary German room simulator algorithm and offered here for the first time in plugin format.
The Quantum 2772 Evolution reverb algorithm is fundamentally different from other reverb simulators, offering unsurpassed realism and depth.
intel only
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